Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Another Busy Week
Here’s a run down of last week:
Last Sunday our ward finally had a Court of Honor. Caleb earned nine merit badges and got his bronze, gold, and silver Eagle Palms. He accomplished the goal he’s had since becoming an Eagle last year.
Each boy was asked to tell about their experience earning one of their merit badges. I was thinking Caleb would share something cool, I mean he earned some of those merit badges in Alaska, and he had a cool experience earning his law merit badge. Instead he shared that he realized the week before the Court of Honor that unless he earned another merit badge, he wouldn’t get his silver Palm. So he started and finished his photography requirements. He’s funny.
On Monday, we went to Caleb’s choir concert. They were amazing.
On Tuesday, Caleb gave in to peer pressure and tried out for the school play, Alice in Wonderland. He tried out with a monolog from Knights Tale that he didn’t spend too much time practicing because he was hoping not to get a part. He got a part. LOL.
That night, we went to a Voice Male concert at Thanksgiving Pointe. It was way fun.
On Wednesday, we had a little break. Caitlin and I went to Young Women and decorated gingerbread houses.
Thursday was Caitlin’s orchestra concert. Her friends came over after school and curled her hair. She has really cute friends and they are helping to make her girly.
We also made an offer on a house. Someone else beat us to the punch and we didn’t get it. I was sad for a few days, now I’m over it and looking again.
Friday brought the HopeKids Christmas party and our ward party. Both were fun. Our ward party was catered by Rodizio Grill- yum! Each auxiliary also had to put on a skit. Our Bishopric rocks! Their rap routine was so great. In fact, I have a feeling it’s on You Tube by now.
On Saturday we almost finished our Christmas shopping and then went to a concert we have been waiting all December for. Jon and Steven are our favorites. Caitlin was thrilled to meet her favorite cellist after the concert and it turns out he’s as nice as he is talented (and shorter than I thought he’d be).
We promised the kids we’d take them out for breakfast after the concert. It was a late, but fun night.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
For Grandma and Grandpa
Here’s a little taste of the kids Christmas concerts. Over two and a half hours of concerts condensed into less than 2 minutes… you’re welcome.
Caleb’s A cappella concert- I really liked how the choir director didn’t shy away from using actual Christmas music.
Caitlin’s orchestra concert- I have no idea what this song was. It wasn’t familiar (or didn’t sound familiar), but the cello’s were the best of the bunch.
Two words about beginning orchestra- amazing and painful (amazingly painful?). Seriously though, most of these kids have been playing their instrument of choice for only three months. That fact that they are ON STAGE and mostly playing together is huge. There sure is a big improvement from year to year. The Concert and Symphonica groups were awesome.
The bad video is most certainly not from me holding in laughter… nope, not at all. I was bursting with pride.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
December Update
It has been a really interesting and emotional week. I won’t go into detail, but the lessons Clint and I have learned in the past few years have changed us… in a good way. I can honestly say I am grateful for the trials we’ve had and the sacrifices we’ve made in the last 5 years.
Other than a little drama, we’ve had a good week. On Monday night, we went to the aquarium with Caitlin’s cancer support group. We’ve been meaning to go there for a while and it was a fun night. Afterwards, we went to Schmidt’s Pastry Cottage for dessert and for a drive to see Christmas lights.
I found some time to go to breakfast with my favorite work friends. They are so fun and make my job tolerable on tough days.
Today Caleb went to the Winter Ball. They had a day date with a snowball fight (with rolled up socks), watched a movie, and ate pizza. When he left for the dance, he looked so nice. I’m happy he’s dating and enjoying high school.
I took Caitlin and her friends to the movie today and then this afternoon, she babysat for one of her young woman leaders. She’s getting more babysitting jobs these days and seems to like it.
With both kids out of the house, Clint and I played the whole day. We went back to the Up house and took a bunch of pictures, then went downtown. We spent some time at the Gateway, had lunch at Tucano's, ran some errands, and then went to a movie (I know, two in one day for me!). It was a great day and was fun to be out and about after working a lot of hours this week.
This coming week is going to be a little nuts. We’ve got something, or in some cases, several things each night. I can’t believe we only have two weeks left until Christmas!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
A Quick Little Update
I am so far behind posting on my blog, I don’t even know where to start…
- We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We spent it with my family- parents, sibs, nieces and nephew, grandma, and my aunt. We had a fun weekend shopping, crafting, and hiking. Caitlin is head over heels in love with my mom and dad’s new puppy, Cooper and had fun playing with him.
- Caleb and Caitlin both did awesome in school last quarter and both made honor roll. This is especially exciting for Caitlin. She is doing amazingly well in school and it actually seems to benefit her to have seven different teachers. She has also found that she loves reading. Yay!
- Caleb was asked to the Winter Ball by a girl named Analee, who is in his seminary class. He answered her with a scripture scavenger hunt… it really came in handy that his name is found in the Bible.
- Caleb was called as a Family History Consultant in our ward, with three other youth.
- I took Caitlin to Time Out for Girl’s in November and it was such a great experience. I love that she wants to make good decisions.
- Yesterday we did our BIG deep clean in the basement. We do this three times a year and while I absolutely despise the thought of it, it is so satisfying to have the kids rooms purged, cleaned and organized before Christmas. I am constantly amazed by the things I find during these marathon cleaning adventures. Here’s an example… these are the socks found in Caitlin’s bed…
I found more between the mattress and box spring. I think she forgets that we have laundry baskets and trash cans in strategic places in our home that she is free to use.
- Finally, the big news… we are officially house hunting. Eeekkk! There is a house we’ve already found that we really like, but we’re trying to remain unemotional about it until we’ve looked into it a little more. Other than knowing where we want to be, we are pretty much starting from scratch. We are open to both pre-owned and new, one and two stories, and many different styles of homes like cottages, bungalows, four square, Victorian, etc… We definitely have a wish list and a target budget, but other than that we’re open minded. The only thing that we’ve pretty much ruled out is building a new home.
- Our December is off to a busy start and we have a lot to look forward to and be grateful for. Love this time of year!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Time Out
Over the weekend I got to spend time with some of my favorite ladies. On Friday, on my way to St. George, I made a quick detour and took my grandma out to lunch. She’s up to her eyeballs with Christmas sewing, eats clam chowder and onion rings, and likes to fill me in on the news of all our family members. I enjoyed our quick visit.
I met up with my mom and sister in the late afternoon and we went to TOFW. What a great experience! It was such an inspiring, uplifting, and quick couple of days. Every speaker and musician were amazing and delivered a heartfelt message. I think this is going to become a must do in the years to come.
Last night Caitlin and I went to Young Women in Excellence. She had volunteered to play a cello solo and I was kind of worried she wouldn’t go through with it, but she did. It was a little fast and a little messed up, but she DID it. I pulled out my camera to video it and she said NO WAY! I told her it was for Clint because he was sick at home and would want to see, but she said NO WAY. Hmmm… I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.
We counting down the days for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to being with our family again.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Quotes of the Day
Okay, so when I should be getting valuable sleep, I’m looking at Pinterest instead. Oh this evil, evil addiction. I laughed out loud when I read these:
“Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just a retard in tin foil”
“I don’t have pet peeves. I have whole kennels of irritation”
“If idiots grew on trees, this place would be an orchard”
“We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile… then we’ll be NEW friends”
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Oldest One
Caleb kept me up until midnight last night because he had procrastinated a HUGE assignment for language arts and needed desperate help. I don’t think I’ve helped him with homework since elementary school.
Caitlin was copying the family tree out of Caleb’s 7th Grade autobiography and realized in the whole project she wasn’t mentioned by name even once. On his timeline he had written “sister born September 1998”. He had used Daisy’s name though… twice. Sibling rivalry? I have no idea why he wouldn’t mention Caitlin more! She was amused and huffy about it. LOL
Caleb had his first acapella concert tonight. They are an amazing choir and fun to watch.
Caleb has a date for the Halloween dance at school. They have to wear costumes and the theme is “Opposites Attract”. I seriously have no ideas. No. Ideas.
Tomorrow we go in for Caleb’s SEOP and talk about scheduling for SENIOR year and college. Eeekkkkk!
All in all, he’s a pretty great kid.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Balancing Act
I love this outtake photo of Caitlin balancing on the railroad tracks after her birthday photo shoot. Unfortunately these days I feel more like I have been run over by the train rather than trying to balance on the tracks.
It seems there is a recurrent theme with my family, friends, and co-workers these days… we’re busy, really busy, too busy. As much as I like the stage of life we’re in, I cannot believe how quickly our calendar fills up and how much running around we do.
In the past couple of weeks, I have been overwhelmed with meetings, appointments, deadlines, activities, errands, social gatherings, etc.… It’s not that I don’t enjoy most of these things, it’s just that there is so little down time.
I really can’t complain too much because I’m grateful for the opportunities we have, but I’ve got to figure out how to simplify and keep some empty spaces open on our calendar.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The September Blur
I’m trying to play a little bit of catch up here. As much as I love the month of September, it went by in a big blur due to a full calendar and being sick the entire month.
Caitlin celebrated a milestone birthday this year by turning 13. She had a friend party at Color Me Mine/Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery the week before her actual birthday. It was a fun and easy party, and the friends she invited are really cute girls. It was also the perfect day to paint with the rain pouring down outside.
Grandpa, Grandma, and aunt Toni came to visit the weekend of Caitlin’s birthday. They were here to see her open her gifts and go with us to Mary Poppins. We were happy to have them visit and grateful for the opportunity to share this day together. Caitlin was so happy to get two new pairs of Toms, money, the UP movie, and a bunch of Broadway music CD’s. She was spoiled.
Caleb asked a senior to Homecoming this year. Her name is Shelby and they went with a group of four other couples for a day date, dinner, the dance, and dessert (lots of D’s in that sentence). I’m not sure about these full day dates, but they had a fun time together. Caleb also made the Improv team at school this month.
I was invited to attend a work conference in Orlando and took Clint and Caitlin with me. We visited Give Kids the World (a village for Make a Wish families visiting Disney World). While we didn’t stay in the village for Caitlin’s trip, we spent a lot of time there and the kids loved it. It’s grown in nine years, but still has a special feeling and holds sweet memories for us. There is a carousel there that Caitlin rode 20+ times a day while on her Make a Wish. She rode it a few more times on this trip just for old times sake. She also still gets a kick out of the talking garbage cans that suck up your trash (or hair if you get too close). The most important stop was the ice cream parlor (we went twice in two hours). First Caitlin got a double scoop of mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream. After walking around for a while, she decided she wanted something more. She ended up with an enormous banana split made by this couple from Missouri who volunteer four months each year at Give Kids the World. We really liked them and appreciated that even visiting wish kids get a warm welcome and the royal treatment. They were not stingy with the ice cream, whip cream, cherries, or the hot fudge. Yum.
On our first night in Orlando, we went to see the Blue Man Group at Universal Studios. Clint ended up being part of the show. It was fun, and loud, and messy.
While I attended the conference, Clint and Caitlin went swimming at the hotel, to Downtown Disney, to a character breakfast and boating at the Polynesian Resort where we stayed on her Make a Wish, back to Give Kids the World for more ice cream, and I’m sure there are other things I have forgotten. They had a lot more fun than I did, but I’m happy that they could come with me and take advantage of our nice accommodations and free flights. What’s better than a free vacation?
We’re home now and it’s October. I want this month to go by slowly, but looking at the calendar, I think it’s going to be another blur of a month. Sigh…
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Our Baby is a Teenager
I have had a whole year to come to grips with the reality that Caitlin would become a teenager this year. Somehow it still feels unbelievable.
13 things about Caitlin
- She has a good heart
- She’s optimistic. Even with the challenges she faces, she always believes she can do whatever it is she has her mind set on
- She is finding her way in junior high and has adjusted better than I expected
- She is funny
- She loves sour candy
- She loves being involved in Young Women and thinks her leaders are the best ever
- She’s learning to play the cello
- She’s a good friend
- She has started babysitting for neighbors
- She loves owls
- She loves Broadway plays and music
- She has a strong desire to do what is right
- She is loved and adored by her family
Happy birthday sweet girl. We sure love you.
Photos by the talented (and fun) April Bladh
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Team Birthday Girl
It’s time again to help our favorite support group HopeKids. We love this group and are so grateful for all they do for us. The Executive Director, C.R., his wife, Amy, their family, and countless volunteers work tirelessly to provide fun and meaningful activities of every kind. This gives the kids and their families something to look forward to, and an opportunity to spend time with other families who understand what they are going through. We joined HopeKids three years ago when they were new to our area. We were the 32nd family to join, there are now 411 families, all affected by cancer or another life threatening illnesses.
We would love to invite our family and friends to join Team Birthday Girl (the 5K will be held on Caitlin’s 13th birthday) and donate what you feel comfortable with. You can be assured that your donation is well used and much appreciated.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
15 Things About this Week
- We went out for Mexican food and a movie for Labor Day (after working all day). Paprika on the chips and salsa that was too hot, average food, and a dumb movie…. kind of a let down
- Team breakfast and work meeting for me
- Caleb joined the National Honor Society, the Drama club, and HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)
- I went to the temple with my Young Women
- Cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, our closet, and my purse
- Caitlin had her birthday pictures taken
- Caleb got a date for the Homecoming Dance
- I got a pedicure and went to a fun boutique with my friend
- Planned Caitlin’s friend birthday party
- The kids participated in the Youth Day of Service. Caitlin collected canned food and Caleb donated blood
- We went to the Dew Tour. Missed the skateboarding, but got to see the BMX competition. It was awesome
- Clint signed up for a Dutch oven cooking class
- Daisy got a haircut
- We bought Caleb another suit. This one is black and is for acappella (and Homecoming because his date’s dress is black)
- I got a fun package in the mail
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Family Clown
Caitlin cracks me up and it’s a good thing lately because I have been sick and grumpy.
Me: I hope when you grow up and become a child life specialist you will work at one of the hospitals near our home, have your own cute little family and house, but visit me all the time.
Caitlin: How do you know I won’t live in Milwaukee?
Me: Do you know where Milwaukee is?
Caitlin: No idea.
Caitlin taking a drink of Diet Coke: Oh! It stingles!
Me: Stingles?
Caitlin: You know, when soda stings and tickles going down your throat?
Caitlin while reading: What is goo-fed?
Me: Do you mean goofed, like messed up?
Today I dragged myself out of bed to help Caitlin with her hair. I notice she’s wearing a long sleeve, pink and navy thermal shirt. What I don’t notice is she’s also wearing gray pants. In my defense it’s early, she leaves the house at 7:15 A.M.! When I ask her about her choice of clothes, she tells me her classes are all cold, so that’s why she chose the warm shirt and the gray pants are soft and comfy. Yeah, I let her keep the shirt (she’ll be regretting that choice come noon) and made her change into jeans.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
First Week of School
The first week of school is officially over and I’m happy to report both kids survived just fine.
Caitlin has a great attitude about school and her anxiety has been minimal. One of my Young Women in the 9th grade has been looking out for her and saves her a seat on the bus every day. She’s been asked in almost every class if she’s “Caleb’s little sister” and has managed the halls, opening her locker, and getting to class on time . She loves school lunch (especially the sandwiches), her CTE class, and the school psychologist, “Bear”. She does not like the swearing in the halls or her Language Arts teacher. I took Caitlin to Back to School night on Thursday and we met with each of her teachers. I was so happy to see how well she knows the layout of the school already and can find her classes (even out of order).
For as well as Caleb does in school, he doesn’t like it (or at least loves to give that impression). He acts so chill about everything and never makes a big deal about anything. He has a difficult class schedule again this year with advanced and AP classes. He came home on Friday and informed us that he had “asserted his dominance in choir”. We had no idea what that meant and were a little nervous. Turns out he beat out the other bass voices and officially has the lowest male voice in his acappella choir. We’ve been letting him drive to school and he seems to like that freedom.
I was sad to see summer break come to an end, but it’s been good to get back into a routine. This year, with both kids in the upper grades, made me grateful we only have two kids. I can’t believe all the money in fees, school supplies, instrument rental, etc. we’ve paid and papers we’ve filled out. Ugh!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
September is Childhood Cancer Month
Did you know?
- Each day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.
- Each year in the U.S., approximately 12,500 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer. That’s the equivalent of two average size classrooms diagnosed each school day.
- One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before the age of 20
- On the average, one in every four elementary schools has a child with cancer. The average high school has two students who are current or former cancer patients.
- Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the United States. 35% of children cancer patients will die.
- The causes of most childhood cancers are unknown. At present, childhood cancer cannot be prevented.
- Childhood cancer occurs regularly, randomly, and spares no ethnic group, socioeconomic class, or geographical region.
- Among ethnic groups, white children are most likely to develop cancer.
- In the United States, the incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults is increasing at a greater rate than any other age group, except those over 65 years.
- When cancer strikes children and young adults it affects them differently than it would an adult.
- Today, nearly 80% of children diagnosed with cancer become long-term survivors and the majority of them are considered cured. That is up from approximately 58% from 20 years ago.
- Despite these facts, childhood cancer research is vastly and consistently underfunded.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Great & Mighty 144
Tonight we went to the World Jamboree Celebration. It always feels bitter/sweet to have an amazing experience come to an end, but luckily we still have our committee reunion to look forward to in October.
The program was filled with encouragement, council, song, testimonies, and challenges for the boys. Throughout the evening this group was referred to as “The Great and Mighty 144” and were repeatedly told they would be the future leaders of our church, community, and nation. A lot is expected from these young men, however, they have amazing leaders to help them succeed.
After the meeting, we went to thank Presidents Gibson and Dahlquist. When we finally got to the front of the line and I had just started talking to Sister Gibson, Caleb showed up. She said, “Oh, is he yours? He’s one of my favorites!” and then proceeded to give him a big hug. It’s nice to know he has other mothers looking out for him.
I am so grateful for the scouting program, for the doors it has opened for Caleb, and for the mentors who have come into his life to teach and encourage him. Scouting has been such a blessing in our lives.
The Choir (wow, these boys can sing!)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I’m about to have a heart attack with the thought of sending Caitlin to junior high and I’m not sure what’s at the root of my crazy anxiety.
We have successfully sent Caleb to junior high and high school (we were even out of state on Caleb’s first day of high school) and he did just fine. We didn’t take him to school to find his classes, didn’t have him attempt the combination on his locker, or worry about him having seven different classes and teachers. I also didn’t worry about him attracting friends who would lead him astray.
With Caitlin, it’s just different. I’m not sure if it’s that fact that she’s our baby, or if it’s because school has proved to be a challenge for her, or if it’s because she’s a girl and I know how teenage girls can treat each other, or if it’s all in my head. Today Caleb and I took her to the junior high with schedule in hand, and showed her the path from class to class and the layout of the school. We found her locker and tried the combo, we showed her where the bus would drop off and pick up, we got her a school map with the names of the teachers, and when it was all said and done, she was even more lost than before we got there. She wants her dad to take her back in the morning for one more go at finding her classrooms before 7th Grade day on Thursday, and then the first official day on Monday.
I guess when all is said and done, I want her to make good friends in junior high, I want her to experience success and accomplishment and to actually like school, and I want her to grow into a young women with a sense of who she is and what she stands for.
Yes, I think I might just have a heart attack before the week is over.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
One Last Summer Getaway
This past week we drove south for a few days and enjoyed one last family getaway before school starts. It was nice to see family, nice to have a change of pace and scenery, and nice to do some fun things to end the summer.
The first evening of our little trip, we met my parents and sister, Toni for dinner (thanks for driving out of your way to spend time with us!). Then we went to Grease at Tuacahn.
The next day we visited my grandma and aunt, went to a family fun park, we ate frozen custard, Caitlin and I went to a movie, the kids went swimming, Clint worked from the hotel room (not planned, but necessary due to some unforeseen craziness), and Caitlin and I went to Little Mermaid, again at Tuacahn. While we thought Grease was good, Little Mermaid was excellent. Very, very cute show.
I think for the most part we’re ready for school to start, although I’m a little sick about sending Caitlin to junior high. We’ve played, shopped for school supplies and clothing (except for Caleb who insists he doesn’t need anything new…sigh!), we’ve cleaned and organized the bedrooms and closets, and now we’re just kind of waiting for something to happen… one more week.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I’m venturing downstairs today with trash bags in hand and every cleaner I own for the BIG CLEAN before school starts. Time to de-junk the kids rooms of all the things that may have accumulated there over the summer, organize closets, wash bedding, and dust the day away.
Honestly, having my kids bedrooms in the basement is a curse and a blessing. It’s way too easy for me to pretend nothing beyond the stairs exists. Blissful ignorance…
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Little Bit of Everything
The weekend is coming to a close and I’m kind of sad because it’s one I’ve been looking forward to for awhile.
First, it has been wonderful having Caleb home. He had such a great time in Sweden and Denmark. This trip was everything we could have hoped it would be and we’re grateful for this amazing opportunity (I can say that now that the disgusting laundry he brought home has been washed multiple times and is now put away). We got an ear full of stories and experiences the first night he came home and he continues to remember things that he shares. I hope to get some of his photos uploaded soon… but not this week!
On Friday I went out with some of my oldest and favorite friends. I love this smart, talented, good-hearted group of ladies. We started with dinner at Zupas, then creative fun at Color Me Mine (we needed way more time than 2 hours), and topped the night off with frozen yogurt. We stretched this night out as long as we could and have decided our next GNO is going to be an all nighter.
On Saturday we did a ton of yard work. Too much yard work for one day. Clint thinks he’s too old for the “To Do” list we were trying to accomplish, and Caleb about died of heatstroke. He’s not used to the dry heat after spending most of this summer in 70 degree temperatures. Luckily for us, some of our sweet neighbors arrived with shovels and helped us get it done.
Last night Clint and I went to a dutch oven class/catered dinner. It was a ton of fun spending the evening with our neighbors and friends visiting, learning, and eating the yummiest dinner. We had pork chops with apple and almond stuffing, scalloped potatoes. mushrooms and asparagus, parmesan cheese bread, and blueberry and raspberry cobbler. The mushrooms were my favorite. Oh man, they were so, so good.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Boys are Back in Town
From Copenhagen, Denmark to Keflavik, Iceland to Quebec, Canada, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Home. Over 6,000 air miles and a 24 hour travel day, they finally arrived shortly after 11 p.m., more than five hours late.
Welcome Home 2011 World Jamboree Utah LDS Contingency!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Latest update from the Leaders:
“It’s now 11:30 a.m. and our plane just arrived. We will board shortly. Our 12:00 noon departure looks doubtful.
Same plane. No movies or entertainment.
Sun Country Air 8805”
“Our flight has been delayed. We are going to arrive at 7:15 p.m. in SLC.”
“It's now 9 p.m. tonight – see you then.”
Monday, August 8, 2011
Jamboree: Last Update From Abroad
Over the weekend we’ve had a few updates about the boys and their final days in Sweden. They experienced a Cultural Festival Day and Closing Ceremonies. They are now enjoying time in Denmark before the long flight home.
From Brother Hall- This is a photo of the crew after dinner and a fireside given by President Gibson (first counselor in the Young Men general presidency).
Information from Leaders-
Today is our last day in Rinkaby, Sweden. The boys are packing up their bags, collapsing their tents, and going out for a final day of trading. We have to have everything cleaned up by 5 p.m., at which time we will move locations to the LDS tent area, where all 160 of us are sleeping tonight. We will go to Closing Ceremonies in the arena, then back to the group sleeping area to sleep for a few hours before we catch a bus at 6 in the morning for a two hour ride to Copenhagen. We will then switch buses, and head to Frederiksborg Castle for the day.
We love and miss all of you and are having a great time. Everyone is healthy and happy and looking forward to our Copenhagen leg of the trip.”
“Yesterday, Sunday, was a very good day, though it didn't start out that way. We stood in the pouring rain for about an hour and a half waiting to get on a bus. We and our stuff got pretty wet. However, by the time we arrived in Copenhagen the weather had turned and we enjoyed a sunny day.
We got off the bus in Frederiksborg, which I may be misspelling. We ate lunch and went inside. It is a large castle on immaculate grounds. The most significant room for us as LDS is a small antechamber just off the castle's chapel which is full of Carl Bloch originals. The halls around the chapel also have coats of arms of people knighted in Denmark. The two of greatest consequence for us were Lord Baden Powell, and the only American, Dwight Eisenhower.
Despite being told at least ten times that we could not sing in the chapel, in the end Floyd (Floyd Hatch, Contingent Leader) prevailed and we sang. It was really cool. Never doubt the power of prayer, faith, and Floyd's determination not to take no for an answer.
After that most of the boys went looking for food, as usual. I went and explored the grounds, which were immaculate.
Then we got back on the bus and went to a chapel. The members of that ward had worked for days to prepare a traditional Danish meal for us. We enjoyed pork loin, potatoes, gravy, cabbage and pickles, followed by a rhubarb/berry dessert soup with cream. After ten days of camp food, the cultural hall was pretty quiet other than the clinking of silverware. We then had our own sacrament meeting, which was incredible. We heard from a missionary who goes home this week, two of our boys, President Dahlquist (Council President/former Young Men General President), and then the Temple, Mission and Stake Presidents. We also sang one last time.
Last night we checked into our hostel and went to bed.
This morning we are at the temple to do baptisms.”
Copenhagen, Denmark LDS Temple
Frederiksborg Castle