Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quotes of the Day

Okay, so when I should be getting valuable sleep, I’m looking at Pinterest instead. Oh this evil, evil addiction. I laughed out loud when I read these:

“Sometimes your knight in shining armor is just a retard in tin foil”

“I don’t have pet peeves. I have whole kennels of irritation”

“If idiots grew on trees, this place would be an orchard”

“We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile… then we’ll be NEW friends”


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Oldest One

Caleb kept me up until midnight last night because he had procrastinated a HUGE assignment for language arts and needed desperate help. I don’t think I’ve helped him with homework since elementary school.

Caitlin was copying the family tree out of Caleb’s 7th Grade autobiography and realized in the whole project she wasn’t mentioned by name even once. On his timeline he had written “sister born September 1998”. He had used Daisy’s name though… twice. Sibling rivalry? I have no idea why he wouldn’t mention Caitlin more! She was amused and huffy about it. LOL

Caleb had his first acapella concert tonight. They are an amazing choir and fun to watch.

Caleb has a date for the Halloween dance at school. They have to wear costumes and the theme is “Opposites Attract”. I seriously have no ideas. No. Ideas.

Tomorrow we go in for Caleb’s SEOP and talk about scheduling for SENIOR year and college. Eeekkkkk!

All in all, he’s a pretty great kid.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Balancing Act


I love this outtake photo of Caitlin balancing on the railroad tracks after her birthday photo shoot. Unfortunately these days I feel more like I have been run over by the train rather than trying to balance on the tracks.

It seems there is a recurrent theme with my family, friends, and co-workers these days… we’re busy, really busy, too busy. As much as I like the stage of life we’re in, I cannot believe how quickly our calendar fills up and how much running around we do.

In the past couple of weeks, I have been overwhelmed with meetings, appointments, deadlines, activities, errands, social gatherings, etc.… It’s not that I don’t enjoy most of these things, it’s just that there is so little down time.

I really can’t complain too much because I’m grateful for the opportunities we have, but I’ve got to figure out how to simplify and keep some empty spaces open on our calendar.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The September Blur

I’m trying to play a little bit of catch up here. As much as I love the month of September, it went by in a big blur due to a full calendar and being sick the entire month.

Caitlin celebrated a milestone birthday this year by turning 13. She had a friend party at Color Me Mine/Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery the week before her actual birthday. It was a fun and easy party, and the friends she invited are really cute girls. It was also the perfect day to paint with the rain pouring down outside.

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Grandpa, Grandma, and aunt Toni came to visit the weekend of Caitlin’s birthday. They were here to see her open her gifts and go with us to Mary Poppins. We were happy to have them visit and grateful for the opportunity to share this day together. Caitlin was so happy to get two new pairs of Toms, money, the UP movie, and a bunch of Broadway music CD’s. She was spoiled.

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Caleb asked a senior to Homecoming this year. Her name is Shelby and they went with a group of four other couples for a day date, dinner, the dance, and dessert (lots of D’s in that sentence). I’m not sure about these full day dates, but they had a fun time together. Caleb also made the Improv team at school this month.

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I was invited to attend a work conference in Orlando and took Clint and Caitlin with me. We visited Give Kids the World (a village for Make a Wish families visiting Disney World). While we didn’t stay in the village for Caitlin’s trip, we spent a lot of time there and the kids loved it. It’s grown in nine years, but still has a special feeling and holds sweet memories for us. There is a carousel there that Caitlin rode 20+ times a day while on her Make a Wish. She rode it a few more times on this trip just for old times sake. She also still gets a kick out of the talking garbage cans that suck up your trash (or hair if you get too close). The most important stop was the ice cream parlor (we went twice in two hours). First Caitlin got a double scoop of mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream. After walking around for a while, she decided she wanted something more. She ended up with an enormous banana split made by this couple from Missouri who volunteer four months each year at Give Kids the World. We really liked them and appreciated that even visiting wish kids get a warm welcome and the royal treatment. They were not stingy with the ice cream, whip cream, cherries, or the hot fudge. Yum.

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On our first night in Orlando, we went to see the Blue Man Group at Universal Studios. Clint ended up being part of the show. It was fun, and loud, and messy.

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While I attended the conference, Clint and Caitlin went swimming at the hotel, to Downtown Disney, to a character breakfast and boating at the Polynesian Resort where we stayed on her Make a Wish, back to Give Kids the World for more ice cream, and I’m sure there are other things I have forgotten. They had a lot more fun than I did, but I’m happy that  they could come with me and take advantage of our nice accommodations and free flights. What’s better than a free vacation?

We’re home now and it’s October. I want this month to go by slowly, but looking at the calendar, I think it’s going to be another blur of a month. Sigh…