Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good Week

  • Having a husband willing to make soup and frozen yogurt runs for me and my sore teeth
  • Seeing three movies
  • An afternoon with Judy and Jen
  • Finding out I'm getting a raise (my third this year)
  • Cheesecake Factory's 1/2 off cheesecake day (I'm pretty sure a good diet plan does not include eating a piece of cheesecake at 10 p.m., so I only ate half the piece)
  • Getting a killer deal on Bath and Body hand soap
  • Rain
  • Working a ton of overtime
  • Hearing that all is well at the Jamboree
  • A BBQ with my work friends
  • Spending time with Caitlin in the school supply aisle of Walmart
  • Organizing the garage shelves

Friday, July 30, 2010

Word from Jamboree

This is to share with my family concerning Caleb’s experience at the Jamboree.

From Scoutmaster Marshall:

A lot of laundry appeared on the clothes lines and tent awnings this morning.  Many of the boys went to the water front today.  BMX, Shotgun shooting, canoe, boating, merit badges & pioneering seem to be favorites.  There is a difference between what older and younger boys want to do.  We had our first rainstorm this afternoon.  Swim suits came out for those in camp and they had great fun in a drenching storm.  Later the sun has come out and already there is not much evidence of the storm.  Overall the kids are happy and having fun.  They are learning to work and cook and clean up together.  I observe great growth in many of the boys.  Our Patrol Leaders are really stepping up and taking care of the younger boys.
Until later,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Spy a Caleb, Do You?

We have been sent a few pictures from Caleb’s leaders and I have been a little ticked that only parts of Caleb show- an eye here, an arm there, his blond hair, etc…

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This picture finally shows my boy and he’s smiling.


Goodbye, Little Hammie

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Glimpse Inside the Jamboree and New Bling

We have been hearing that the Jamboree has been mentioned on several news stations and have missed them all, so we went online to see what we could find. Among other longer videos, this one gives a good idea of  what Caleb is experiencing this week.

The only news we’ve heard from the leaders of our troop is that the flight  from Texas to New Jersey was delayed when the boys flew out and they didn’t arrive until around 2 a.m. and then had to be up and on their way to the Statue of Liberty around 7 a.m.

They enjoyed touring Washington D.C. The Smithsonian was a big hit with the boys.

We were sent the Troop Jamboree address and were given permission to send a care package. Clint, Caitlin, and I went out last night to buy goodies for Caleb and have written letters to send off today.

In other news, I got the bling (braces) I have been wanting/needing/dreading. All I have to say is ouch and thank heavens for Advil. This might just turn out to be the best diet plan I could have found due to not being able to figure out how to chew. ;-) Caitlin thinks the whole thing is pretty funny.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Little Girl Time

Caitlin and I took a mini vacation to visit my parents and during our time away, we had the fun experience of having a girls only getaway to St. George. Our fun included:


Having dinner together (all the girls including Grandma).

Going to Tarzan at Tuacahn- it was an excellent show.

Driving around St. George at midnight for (you guessed it) a midnight snack.

An overnighter at the Marriot.

Breakfast poolside.

Watching Caitlin and Kysa swim.

Having a chance to spend time together as a family and feeling blessed to have these girls in my life. Thanks for a wonderful time Mom, Grandma, Jerrie, Toni, Alecia, Kysa, and Caitlin.

P.S. Now that I’m home, I miss my boy. Wondering how and what he is doing. My missing him is turning into shopping for him and I hope he’s okay with not having a say in what will be in his closet upon his return. Let’s just hope he’s so sick of the scout uniform after three weeks, he’s open for change.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

The Day has Finally Arrived!

After three years of planning, preparing, earning the money (which he did all on his own), buying and altering uniforms, sewing on patches, packing, etc, etc, etc… Today was the big day.

We dropped Caleb off bright and early this morning and wished him well on his three week tour of the East Coast and the National Scout Jamboree in Virginia.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Clint’s Birthday Gift

For years Clint has wanted to fly in a glider. So… this year when it came time to celebrate his big day, the kids and I surprised him with his wish. It was a popular day for birthday boys; an 80 year old man went before him and a 65 year old man after him!

Waiting for his turn…

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The glider…

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The experience…

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Favorites

#8- Our Flag. I love to see it on our porch.


#9- Fresh picked cherries off my friend, Jessica’s tree.


Our Busy Week

I feel like I write the same thing every week, we did this and that, blah de blah… It has been an exceptionally busy week though and we have had fun.

On Monday we went to Park City. Right before school ended for the summer, Caitlin’s class went on a field trip to the Alf Engen 2002 Olympic Museum. She loved it and wanted our family to go; so we went. We loved the exhibits, but most of all, we loved watching the skiers jump and land in a pool. We also loved the zip line, although I have a fear of heights- ahhhhh!

Tuesday was a pampering day with my friend, Lynette for her birthday. Lunch and pedicures.

On Wednesday, Caleb handed in his Jamboree bags and is one step closer to going on his big trip- he leaves in 10 days.

We also had a goodbye dinner with our friends, the Cafarelli’s. They are some of our favorite people and our friendship goes back to our college days. They are moving to Iowa and we are going to miss them terribly.


Thursday was Clint’s birthday. We went to lunch as a family and then went to Dr. H’s summer party at Raging Waters. Clint also “moved home” in the morning. He has been given the opportunity to work from home and has set up an office downstairs. With the long hours he works, it will be nice to have him here to eat meals together and participate in prayers at bedtime.

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That’s our week… tomorrow Clint gets his birthday gift. I am hoping for some neat photos to post.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Admit it, We Saw It

I think nothing says Happy Anniversary like young vampire love. Clint asked me this morning if I wanted to go to Eclipse (hello? yes!) and it was just what I expected... somewhat dark, funny, mediocre acting, cheesy, and well, let's just leave it at that.

The good news is we finally celebrated our 19th anniversary. 19 years! Next year I will have been married half my life. We went out on Monday too, but with kids (so it doesn't really count). I'm going to miss our day dates during the summer while the kids are home.