Monday, November 14, 2011

Time Out

Over the weekend I got to spend time with some of my favorite ladies. On Friday, on my way to St. George, I made a quick detour and took my grandma out to lunch. She’s up to her eyeballs with Christmas sewing, eats clam chowder and onion rings, and likes to fill me in on the news of all our family members. I enjoyed our quick visit.

I met up with my mom and sister in the late afternoon and we went to TOFW. What a great experience! It was such an inspiring, uplifting, and quick couple of days. Every speaker and musician were amazing and delivered a heartfelt message. I think this is going to become a must do in the years to come.

Last night Caitlin and I went to Young Women in Excellence.  She had volunteered to play a cello solo and I was kind of worried she wouldn’t go through with it, but she did. It was a little fast and a little messed up, but she DID it. I pulled out my camera to video it and she said NO WAY! I told her it was for Clint because he was sick at home and would want to see, but she said NO WAY. Hmmm… I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

We counting down the days for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to being with our family again.