Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Escape to the Sun

Our family ran away to St. George for spring break/Easter weekend. We shopped, had lunch with Grandma and Jerrie, went swimming, did a little hiking, Caitlin put on an egg hunt for the cousins, and we had a yummy dinner with the whole family.



Friday, April 15, 2011

Time with Caitlin

Caitlin is off track for a month. I have thought about all the things I want to do with her during this time and how to make it fun and special. It’s the last break she will have in elementary school, other than a short summer before entering junior high.

We went to lunch earlier this week with some of my friends that she knows, and then shopping for warm weather clothes. I love that she chooses modest clothes and that she is more into Legos than make-up. On a quick errand to Target, she decided she wanted to plan an Easter egg hunt for her cousins and picked out plastic eggs and candy that she thought they would like. She’s a sweetie.

She has such a great group of school/neighbor friends. They are darling, silly, 12 year olds who make hundreds of calls back and forth trying to coordinate getting together. This week they have gone to the movie, out to lunch, and today they are doing a marathon temple trip. Yesterday, it was our turn to help carpool them around, I had to laugh to myself because Caitlin is funny and she keeps her friends laughing. It’s good to see that others see that part of her like we do at home. I’m hopeful it will be this group of friends who will help her through the ups and downs of junior high and keep her on the right track.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our Somewhat Chaotic Weekend

We had a great weekend. On Friday night, our family went out for Thai food and then to BYU Ballroom Dance in concert. It was amazing. I can’t believe we’ve never gone before, but I know we’ll go in the future.

On Saturday, my mom and dad came for a visit. We spent the wet, cold day at the Carl Bloch exhibit, visiting a few stores, and the movie. Then we set them up in our awesome guest room (living room with an air mattress). We go all out in the hospitality department.

My dad set Clint apart on Sunday as a High Priest in our church. He was just called as the assistant to the High Priest Group Leader.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Behind

We’ve been busy; too busy to stay caught up with the blog. Here’s a quick version of what we’ve been up to.

* Carl Bloch at the Museum of Art at BYU * Caleb tried out for and made his high school acapella group * We bought Les Miserables tickets * Caitlin went to Space Camp and loved it * Clint and Caleb went on an overnight camp for Jamboree * Caleb was called to be president of his crew (group of 36 scouts and four leaders going to World Jamboree in Sweden) * the kids both spent time in the temple, parents need to follow their example * Parent/Teacher conference for Caitlin * junior high registration for Caitlin * attended Saturday afternoon session of General Conference * Clint and I went on two double dates with two different neighbor couples, one to dinner and a comedy club, the other for Indian food * I have been working on a special assignment at work which has resulted in endless overtime * Work meeting * lunch with work friends for both Clint and me* church party with the High Priests that was way more fun than I expected it to be * family dentist appointments with no cavities for any of us * Caleb on the mend and feeling better each day.