Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our Somewhat Chaotic Weekend

We had a great weekend. On Friday night, our family went out for Thai food and then to BYU Ballroom Dance in concert. It was amazing. I can’t believe we’ve never gone before, but I know we’ll go in the future.

On Saturday, my mom and dad came for a visit. We spent the wet, cold day at the Carl Bloch exhibit, visiting a few stores, and the movie. Then we set them up in our awesome guest room (living room with an air mattress). We go all out in the hospitality department.

My dad set Clint apart on Sunday as a High Priest in our church. He was just called as the assistant to the High Priest Group Leader.


Lynette said...

Your guest room is as about like ours. I wonder why people don't visit more often? I hope Clint likes his new calling.

Shari said...

What a nice weekend. Didn't you love the exhibit? I went and saw Soul Surfer tonight and it was good. If they make a movie of my life I want Helen Hunt to play me too!

multurf-a mullet cut to look like grass