Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

1. My mom is a wonderful cook and our dinner was yumm-o!

2. Caitlin was the perfect little helper with her cousins.

3. We were all together as a family.

4. I don't recommend playing cards with my brother, Mike.

5. Clint and I were in Walmart at 3:30 am for the Black Friday sale, we got what we went for (and more) and will most likely never repeat shopping like that again.

6. With my mom's help, I figured out a cute ornament for my girls in Activity Days to make this week.

7. Loved holding and loving on my nieces and nephew.

8. Had a nice visit and another yummy meal with my Grandma and Aunt Jerrie

9. Got more shopping done. Found Clint some new clothes and myself another pair of red shoes (I know I shouldn't be shopping for myself!).

10. Watched the movie- The Blind Side. I highly recommend it, very inspiring.

11. Clint cut lots of branches from Cedar and Juniper trees for me to use to decorate our porch.

12. After spending the long weekend with my family, I still don't know what to get any of them for Christmas.

13. The traffic on the way home wasn't too bad and our hamster was still alive.

14. Still have the fun of December to look forward to...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


My life is so blessed and I have many, many things to be thankful for this year. I have procrastinated writing this post and am now crunched for time (have to hit the road soon) so I will just mention a few...

Clint- my wonderful husband who always puts his family before himself.
Caleb- my cute, smart son who is making good choices through his teen years.
Caitlin- my dramatic, funny daughter who is the light of my life.
Daisy- just because she is my baby.

I am thankful for my friends, who bring so much joy into my life.

I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and for opportunities and experiences that build my testimony of my Father in Heaven and his son, Jesus Christ.

I am thankful to live in such a wonderful community with good neighbors; for my children's friends and teachers, and for the freedom that comes with living in a blessed country.

I am thankful for good and loving parents and siblings, for my nieces and nephews, and for extended family who care for and support my little family.

And I am thankful for each new day that brings with it the opportunity to become a better person.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Primary Program

Another reminder we have reached a new chapter- Today was the annual Primary Program in our ward, as I sat there, I realized it would be the last time one of my children would be involved. It feels like just yesterday they were Sunbeams!

Caleb's take on the program- "They (the kids) are definitely choosing volume over quality." LOL

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

My Movie Review-
Don't judge me, I loved New Moon and I just might be obsessed with vampires. This movie completely lived up to my expectations and all the hype surrounding it. If given a choice though, I would still choose Edward over Jacob.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Christmas Fear

Christmas is coming and I know what my kids want to see under the tree. I also know it is all on sale at Walmart, the day after Thanksgiving- you know, the Black Friday Sale...

Can I just say I am terrified of those sales?!? I've heard stories of pushing, shoving, being run over by shopping carts, etc... Does that sound like Christmas to you? If you have participated in this madness and more importantly, survived it, will you let me know? Oh, and if a store opens at 5 am, what time do you have to be there?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nice things

... when your husband drives all the way home to fill your car with gas, because he forgot to do it before leaving for work.

... when your husband buys 20 plus cans of pumpkin because he knows you love Weight Watchers pumpkin spice muffins, in fact, he knows they are critical to your survival.

... when you get your hair colored, cut, and eyebrows waxed all in one sitting.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My worst Thanksgiving...ever!

Isn't it interesting how certain things can trigger our memories? As Thanksgiving approaches, I am finding myself remembering last year... the worst Thanksgiving ever.

My little family attended a concert on Temple Square on the Saturday evening before Thanksgiving, we were enjoying the music, the spirit of the holidays, and being together as a family (well, Caitlin was kind of being a stinker, but what else is new?). As the concert progressed, Clint started receiving calls from my dad, which went directly to voice mail. Finally, he became concerned and listened to the messages. I will never, ever forget him leaning over to me and saying- You're dad called, it's Brian. He's in the hospital and not expected to make it.

My hands started to shake, my body turned cold and tingly, I was too shocked and scared to cry.

I was able to talk to my dad as we drove home. I found out Brian had pneumonia and being diabetic, he was having all kinds of complications. The doctors had worked on him all day and had finally decided to airlift him to another hospital. Before doing so, they told my dad to gather the family together to say goodbye because there was a very good chance he would not survive the flight. I was too far away and was told to stay home until they had more news. I have never felt so far away from my family.

That was one of the longest nights of my life. I remember laying on my bed, not being able to relax, and wondering if my spirit would know if my brother passed away. Would I feel differently? Would I somehow know before being told? I hurt for my parents, for my siblings, for Brian. And I prayed, and prayed, and prayed.

The next day, I learned Brian had survived the night and was on life support. I packed, not sure if I should bring clothes for a funeral, and I left my little family to fend for themselves.

My experiences with Caitlin's cancer left me somewhat knowledgeable concerning my parents state of mind and needs during this time. But still, I felt so inadequate. There are experiences in life that just can't be fixed with a warm meal, sleep, or the comfort of family and friends. No words can heal your heart and bring peace to your soul. You just hurt and want nothing more than to have your life back as it was before tragedy hit you like a brick.

My sister, Toni and I insisted on my parents leaving the hospital each night and we took on the responsibility of sleeping in the ICU waiting room. She took the couch, I took the recliner. We slept in the half light and I never did get used to codes being called- Code Blue, Code Red, I still don't know what Code Green is? That room became the home of the homeless and I have to admit, I became a little possessive of it- not liking one bit when others thought they could visit and watch TV when it was my bedtime.

The days passed, each becoming more grim as Brian made no progress. The biggest concern was brain damage, we learned that on the flight to the hospital, Brian had lost his breathing tube and had not been given an adequate amount of oxygen, made worse by the pneumonia. We had discussions with the doctor about quality of life, due to the area of expected brain damage being memory, reasoning, thought process. I could stand to visit him when he was totally sedated, but when they would bring him out of the induced coma to see if he would start breathing on his own, I couldn't stand to watch him struggle. My mom took my lack of visiting as rejection, but for me, it was just self preservation. I had made my peace with what I felt was coming- I had told the Lord I would accept His will, I had said goodbye to my brother, communicating with him that I would understand if he chose to leave us. I promised him I would love his son and make every effort to make him a part of our family. I told him I loved him more than he would ever know, that I was proud to be his sister.

Clint and the kids came- Thanksgiving was here. It was a sad day. We were all tired, worn out, getting a little snarky. We went to the cafeteria to eat lunch- we were too late, lunch was over. We went back to ICU, ate junk food, the kids were bored, adults were out of patience. We went back to the cafeteria for dinner, ate pressed turkey, tried to make the best of it, kept telling each other it would be better next year, silently wondering if Brian would be with us then.

The day came to a close. My dad and Clint decided to give Brian another blessing before leaving for the night. I chose to stay with the kids in the waiting room while everyone else went in to participate in the blessing and say goodnight. I had my own prayer with my kids. Toni and I made our beds and another large, loud family came in, so sleep was out of the question. We talked and gossiped about the other family there, we weren't very nice. Late into the night, a nurse came out and walked straight towards us, she told us Brian was making *meaningful* gestures and trying to communicate- he was awake. I decided to call my parents and this is another conversation I will never forget- it took several rings for my dad to pick up, and what felt like several more minutes for him to answer, I imagine he was prepping himself for the worst news. The relief and joy in his voice comforted me to no end. I had finally been able to deliver an answer, an ounce of hope to my parents on behalf of my brother. The Lord had answered our prayers, He gave Brian another chance at life, He blessed us all that Thanksgiving Day.

I love my family so much. Each member holds a special place in my heart that only they can fill. I appreciate their strengths, talents, individuality. I am thankful this season for each one of them and for the blessings extended to us by a loving Heavenly Father. It is through His plan that we are divided into family units, to love, care for, and support one another, and to be together for eternity.

Now... bring on a real turkey, we deserve it after last year!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friendship + Red Shoes= Happy Me

Many have asked if I got my red shoes. I did, thank you. I didn't even have to drive hours to get them. I had a friend who came through for me. She drove to the store, she paid for my shoes, and she brought them to me, in the snow. Yes, I paid her back and promised future favors and errands I would run on her behalf, but still, I owe her huge.

This experience and many others like it have made me once again realize and appreciate the fact that I have been so blessed in my life with the choicest of friends. I think I have a gift for finding women who are smart, talented, caring, spiritual, supportive, generous, funny- I could go on and on, to be my friends. Our Heavenly Father blesses us in individual ways with those things we need to survive our Earthly existence. I am so grateful He knows how much I need each of you.

And, I am grateful for cute shoes too.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Art of Brick

We risked our lives yesterday traveling up the mountain, in a scary snowstorm, for an art exhibit my friend had told me about- The Art of Brick. We had to go, snow or not, because it ends this weekend. After carefully traveling up the steep and icy roads, we first had lunch at the yummiest pizza place, The Red Banjo (another friends suggestion), the garlic cheese bread was to die for. After stuffing ourselves with Italian goodness, we made it to the museum, full of sculptures and art, all made from Lego's. It was amazing to see what can be created with these plastic blocks and now Caitlin has added a giant bucket of Lego's to her Christmas list...

Our second mission was to go shopping for Clint and Caleb, since both are lacking in cold weather clothing. We found some huge sales at Old Navy and Gap and even had additional 30% off coupons for both stores. Funny thing how Caitlin came home with more than the rest of us combined, it's hard to resist when everything looks cute on her.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I think I might be shallow...

This blog post is not a representation of my deepest thoughts, but let me just throw this out there... I need a new hairstyle. This is what I'm considering. Thoughts?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Reward

When life throws me a situation that is difficult, inconvenient, or just plain unpleasant, I come up with a *reward* to get me through. The only requirement of the reward is to give me something to look forward to... the ultimate goal. One of my cute friends (Hi, Vicky) once told me that each week on laundry day; she makes a big batch of her yummy chocolate chip cookies as a treat to celebrate accomplishing this most dreaded task. I love that!
I have known for a while that I would have to go through training at work due to my company implementing a new computer system. I have stressed over every aspect of this training- the schedule, being away from my family, and mostly, I have worried about being able to learn, comprehend, and remember what I have been taught (I won't actually use this training until February). Tomorrow is my last day and it really has not been too bad- I haven't cried even once on my drive home. With practice and learning from hands on experience, I think I will be okay.
So what is my reward? These shoes... these shoes that will see me through the Christmas party season, that will make me smile on gray winter days, that will bring me endless joy and happiness. Just one problem... they are sold out of my size in every store in my area and online. Really?!?
Now I have another difficult task to take on- trying to talk my hubby into spending Saturday driving to the very northern edge of our state so I can have my reward. This just may be more work than the training!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hiking to the Y with Attitude

We had a beautiful, warm, November Saturday last week and wanted to take advantage of it. Our first idea was to hike to Timpanogos Cave, but it turned out to be closed for the season. Our second idea was to hike Y Mountain, so we headed south.

Anyone who has hiked Y Mountain would agree it is a difficult climb. I mean I work out regularly but it kicks my butt. On the drive down we talked about how sometimes, things may not be fun or easy, but it might benefit others or us in different ways. So with water bottles in hand, we started up the mountain. We stopped at almost every turn to rest and each time Caitlin would spend the time complaining and whining (so much for the talk, huh?). Finally, we had all had it and gave her three options- continue on without complaining, sit on a rock and wait for us to come down, or head to the car. She chose to continue on and by that, I mean she booked it to the top in record time. The rest of us just had to smile as we watched her climb the rest of the way without stopping or turning around to see where the rest of us where. Our Caitlin may not always be the most pleasant child, but she is determined and can do anything she sets her mind to, whether it be fun or not!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween Revisited

This Halloween represented a new chapter in our lives, a reminder that our kids are growing up. There were no real conversations about costumes, no trick-or-treating, no sugar highs, and no candy wrappers this year. I miss the years the kids were little, but I am also happy about the changes that have come with having older kids.

Caitlin had a party/sleepover on Friday night, so we took Caleb to a Jazz game. We had a great time, the Jazz won, and we enjoyed having time alone with our boy.

On Halloween, Caleb had a party, so we took Caitlin on a date. It was more for me though as we went to the Michael Jackson movie. I loved hearing some of the old music and seeing MJ preform again, but it was also kind of a downer. Not so much that he is gone, just that his life was so sad.

I'm adding some of my favorite Halloween photos to this post- but I'm missing two of my favorite, both of Caleb. The years he dressed up as a devil and Harry Potter were my favorite. I'll have to look for those pictures...