Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Reward

When life throws me a situation that is difficult, inconvenient, or just plain unpleasant, I come up with a *reward* to get me through. The only requirement of the reward is to give me something to look forward to... the ultimate goal. One of my cute friends (Hi, Vicky) once told me that each week on laundry day; she makes a big batch of her yummy chocolate chip cookies as a treat to celebrate accomplishing this most dreaded task. I love that!
I have known for a while that I would have to go through training at work due to my company implementing a new computer system. I have stressed over every aspect of this training- the schedule, being away from my family, and mostly, I have worried about being able to learn, comprehend, and remember what I have been taught (I won't actually use this training until February). Tomorrow is my last day and it really has not been too bad- I haven't cried even once on my drive home. With practice and learning from hands on experience, I think I will be okay.
So what is my reward? These shoes... these shoes that will see me through the Christmas party season, that will make me smile on gray winter days, that will bring me endless joy and happiness. Just one problem... they are sold out of my size in every store in my area and online. Really?!?
Now I have another difficult task to take on- trying to talk my hubby into spending Saturday driving to the very northern edge of our state so I can have my reward. This just may be more work than the training!


Sachiko said...

Hey! Welcome to the blogging world! I love the red shoes! I would work extra hard to clean my house(which I have been behind lately)if that is my reward!

dan said...

way cute shoes and congratulations on surviving the training. I am so impressed at how many posts already!

judy said...

so that was me, i just realized the computer was signed in as dan!

vicky said...

WOW!!! All these posts and you just started! I love it!
The shoes are cute and they are very much YOU! I say get in the car and drive yourself if he won't take you ;)

Shari said...

I love it. I am going to use that strategy. I am planning a trip around the world! Ok, maybe just a full night's sleep :) I am glad you are blogging. I miss hearing about life. I am getting one going too.
Love ya

Virginia and Shane said...

Haha I thought that was quite a stretch for my dad...
They are adorable!

penny said...

Jamie. You are brilliant. I think you should have Vicky make you cookies and eat them in those shoes.

Lynette said...

Jamie, You inspire me. Everything that you do, you do with such class! Your blog is fabulous! Once you get those shoes, let's go do something fun and you can wear them.

Tana said...

I'm glad you're blogging, Jamie, and I love the shoes! Good luck with your adventure! :o)

V and Co. said...

jaime! yay!!! now i can see what my wonderful friend who i still think of on a regular basis is up to!!!
i miss you and hope you are doing well!
btw i LOVE the shoes. i want them but with a heel...because we all know i lack in the height dept.