Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Lame Excuse of a Christmas Card

Photo By Emilie -1851

I think I've abandoned my traditional Christmas "to do" list this year, including sending cards to our family and friends. I've noticed a theme with several of the cards we've received and if it's true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then many of you should be very flattered.

10 Things Worth Mentioning from 2010

Our family vacation to Disneyland

Jamie's promotion (and raise)

Caitlin and Jamie get braces

Clint and Jamie celebrate 19 years of marriage

Caleb goes to the National Scout Jamboree

Clint finally gets to fly a glider

Family vacation to Washington, D.C.

Caitlin turns 12 years old and is now a Young Women in our church

Caleb becomes an Eagle Scout

Caleb will be turning 16 years old next week and is anticipating driving and dating

Our family wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Spirit of Christmas

Today we had the best lesson about Christ in Young Women's. It was just incredible and I think it meant a lot to our girl's. It involved blindfolds, music, and symbols of Christ that were placed into their hands throughout the lesson. The room was silent and a sweet peace filled the hour we were together.

Our family also watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional tonight. It was excellent. I'm happy we have these reminders of the true meaning of the holiday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Highlights

We had such a nice Thanksgiving weekend
  • My mom made the yummiest dinner. Everything seriously tasted so, so good.
  • We enjoyed being together as a family, including Grandma and Jerrie
  • My mom, sister, and I went to Black Friday (midnight edition) to check out the deals. We bought towels. Lots and lots of towels. Between the three of us, over 60 of them.
  • We took the kids to Tangled
  • We took a quick girls trip to St. George
  • We loved on the nieces and nephew
  • Clint taught us how to play Texas Hold 'em (I have no idea if that's how you spell it).
  • We watched a DVD or two
  • Clint taught my mom how to use her computer (anxiously waiting your comment, Mom)
  • And, to top off the weekend, it took us almost six hours to get home due to bad weather and tons of traffic. We arrived safely though, so all is good.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Day

Today Caitlin had a BIG ortho appointment- she got her MARA appliance off! She is one happy girl. I think she would be happier though if it didn't mean now she can have a MRI. Our Orthodontist wanted clarification from Radiology concerning what would need to come off for the MRI (braces, wires, bands, all, some, nothing) so we went to our lovely new PCMC that is located a hop, skip, and a jump away from our home for answers. It is such a beautiful facility and the people there are helpful and kind... oh, and there are XBox 360's for the kids to play with while they wait. Sweet! We are scheduled for January. It will have been 15 months since the last MRI, our longest break ever.

In other news, our lives are out of control. We are busy. Meetings, work, parent/teacher conferences, visiting and home teaching, cleaning and organizing, errands, haircuts, work lunches, fun lunches, Christmas shopping, ward party, Stake dance, soccer conditioning, drivers Ed, science fair, camping trip, and the list goes on and on and on...

I love this time of year though and can't wait to see my family next week for Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Proud of My Boy

A week from tomorrow and Caleb will officially be an Eagle Scout.

Monday, October 25, 2010


One thing I can say about parenting is that it has prompted my most sincere, heartfelt prayers. I am constantly amazed by all the things that can go wrong when raising a child. Sometimes I think the only thing you can take comfort in is knowing Heavenly Father loves your children more than you do and is aware of what you and they are facing.

One of the blessings that came from Caitlin's diagnosis of cancer was the realization that I had no control of the circumstances and I had to turn my excess worries and heartbreak over to the Lord. It was too much to bare alone. My prayers asking for comfort and peace were the only consolation I could count on. I truly felt the Lord knew my pain and was hurting with me. I understood the Atonement like never before.

Tonight my friend introduced me to this song written about a young boy diagnosed with Leukemia. It's not very often that you find a song that expresses what your prayers sounded and felt like during your darkest experience. The title of the song is "He's My Son" by Dallyn Vail Bayles.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Halloween Favorites

Look what I found when looking through our pictures! Some of my favorite photos of my kids decked out in Halloween costumes.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Porch Pumpkins

All last week while it was gray outside, I loved seeing bright spots of orange on porches around our neighborhood. So, on Saturday our family ventured to the family farm of brothers Caleb went to Jamboree with and picked out a bunch of pumpkins for our porch. It was fun... and cold.
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We went to Secretariat on Friday night. We loved it. Family friendly, clean, inspiring.

On Saturday night, we went to Clint's work party. I really like the guys he works with and their wives too. We had a fun time visiting and eating yummy BBQ.

Other than that, we made some headway on Caleb's upcoming Eagle Court of Honor, Caleb went to the youth dance, Clint made an apple pie, we watched our first Primary Program in almost 13 years without our own children participating (instead they snickered along with us at the waving kids, the kids who yell into the microphone, the kids that take off running to their parents, etc...), we cleaned our porch, and we found a new puppy we'd love to adopt. Overall, good weekend.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Little Boost for Caitlin

In her first softball game of the day, Caitlin hit the ball, she ran all the bases, she scored for her team! And for the first time this season, they won! 5-3.

Most people wouldn't make too much out of this; but for Caitlin, this is huge. We are so proud of her.

At the end of the two games, she was awarded the game ball... sweet!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Things I've Been Up To In the Last 7 Days

  • Lots of overtime
  • Planning Caleb's Eagle Court of Honor
  • Helping Caitlin with her school work
  • Meeting with Caitlin's teacher, school psychologist, resource teacher, etc... (feeling better!)
  • Work training
  • General Conference
  • Dinner with Caitlin during the Priesthood Session
  • Pedicure
  • Cleaning
  • Halloween decorating
  • Cancer Mom lunch
  • Clint and I joining the ACCO Board of Directors (American Childhood Cancer Organization)
  • Planning YW Personal Progress activity

Monday, September 27, 2010

Caitlin's Birthday

I didn't post pictures of Caitlin's actual birthday and didn't want to overlook it because my weekend was a little, well... emotional.

Caitlin had a lovely birthday. She went to school for a few hours and then we headed to PCMC to deliver our special treats. We had intended to "give back" but got much more out of this little visit than we possibly could have given. Sweet Bonnie made a card for Caitlin and had all of her team (except Dr. B) sign it. We were able to see everyone and they all seemed genuinely pleased to see our girl; to see how tall she's grown, and to see her celebrate another birthday. Dr. C sang happy birthday Rockin' Roll style and Bonnie followed up with "geriatric " style. We love these special people; they are our angels.

We then headed downtown and had lunch at Olive Garden, where Caitlin opened her gifts. After lunch we said goodbye to Clint and the two of us headed to Lion King. I was so impressed with the performance! We have seen Lion King in New York, so I couldn't imagine it would be as good here. It was. The voices and costumes were amazing. Next year Mary Poppins will be here in September and we've already decided it's a date. ;-D

One more thing, you've gotta love it when your child decides to try a new hairstyle on her big day. I have pretty much given up control, well, I'm still holding on a little bit.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Birthday Gift I Wish Caitlin Would have Received

Caitlin got the video camera she wanted for her birthday. She hinted and downright begged for this little gadget.

What I wish we would have given her for her birthday is a bubble; a nice cozy bubble. I would happily help her get in it and let her stay there as long as she wants; her own little refuge from the world.

We found out this week that Caitlin is struggling in school and is significantly behind in her work. It's discouraging. We think it's a combination of Caitlin's inability to organize and understand her teacher's directions and expectations. We're hopeful her teacher will be open to a contract and communicating with us directly. Until a game plan is in place though, I feel frustrated and upset that we haven't known about this problem before this week. She has missing assignments from the first week of school!

Today was more softball drama. My sister gave Caitlin a new softball bat for her birthday and she was so excited to use it today. She ran up to take her turn at bat and actually showed a little confidence. She didn't take any swings and was lucky enough to walk to first, and then run all the bases to score for her team (She told Clint she made a home run, we had to correct her that she made it to home base). However, while she was taking her turn up at bat, there was a runner on third and Caitlin didn't know she was supposed to move out of the way so the runner could run home. Someone (not sure if it was a parent from our team or the other team) yelled out, "Knock her in the head if she won't get out of the way!" Sheesh. That hurt.

The second game of the day was even worse. The pitcher on the other team was a total brute with plenty of intimidation tactics, and her mouthy mother as her coach. She did this weird smack of the ball against her shin, then yelled/grunted when she threw the ball. She threw hard and not always accurately; she hit a few of our players. She then proceeded to threaten some of players on the field that she would hit them with the ball when they were up at bat. The coaches and referee got involved and it got a bit ugly, but the girl was allowed to stay in the game and was still allowed to pitch. When I saw Caitlin put on the batting helmet and get ready to bat, I felt ill but determined to remain calm. Then the next thing I knew, she was on the bleachers, crying that she didn't want to bat. We tried to talk her into taking her turn, but I'll admit I didn't try my hardest to convince her. I'm still not sure what the right thing to do might have been.

So after being at the hospital yesterday where everyone was so happy to see her, and having the insight of knowing how far she's come in her growth and development, it's disappointing and discouraging to experience these little heartaches. I completely understand that I won't be able to protect her from life, but I want to. Clint keeps reminding me that we want her to have a normal life. The more I think about it, I really don't. I want her to have normal experiences while being treated special. It makes these birthdays bittersweet knowing that the older she becomes, the less control we will have in protecting her. All I wanted nine years ago was a lifetime of birthdays; now I just want to slow it all down while I try to toughen up and prepare myself for what is to come. There will be more expectations, more disappointments, more realizations that everything she attempts to do in life may result in failure and hurt. I admit to not being worried about these things with Caleb to the degree I am with Caitlin. I have no idea if it's the cancer, the fact that she's a girl, or that she's my baby. Whatever it is, it weighs heavy on my mind and heart these days.

I think what it comes down to is celebrating the caring and compassionate person Caitlin is today and who she is becoming with each passing year. It's being okay with the fact that she's not a star student or athlete. It's knowing that surviving cancer is huge, but that it doesn't give her a free pass in life and she will still be subjected to life's expectations and struggles. It's learning to be forgiving and kind to those who hurt her (and us). It's about fully living and making the best of what we have.

Here are a few pictures of Caitlin's "home run".

Friday, September 24, 2010


It’s Caitlin’s big day. Happy birthday to our sweet girl.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Good, Better, Best

Good- IT is on the job and I have a personal technician working with me on my computer issues at work. It's been a long week with my computer freezing up and my stats reflect it.

Better- I love my new calling with the Young Women! The girls are wonderful and my first lesson went great, although we could have used more time.

Best- Clint scored Lion King tickets for Caitlin's birthday. Wahoo! We are going to the matinee tomorrow after visiting the hospital and going to lunch.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Weekend in Cedar

We spent the weekend with my family. We had a celebration; my parents 40th wedding anniversary. I can't believe we didn't take a picture! All my siblings were there, my grandma and aunt, and all the grandkids, except for cute Kylan. I'm grateful to my parents for providing us with a stable and happy home; sticking it out through good times and bad. Thanks mom and dad!

My mom, Caitlin, Toni, and I went shopping for the treat bags for the inpatient kids at PCMC that we're going to deliver on Friday. We found some fun things and my mom paid for it all. Thanks again, mom!

My mom's friend, Deb also gave us a generous gift to help out. We really appreciate the amazing people who have supported us throughout our journey. In big and small ways, we have really been touched by the thoughtful support and kindness of so many.

We left for home later than we had intended on Sunday and I was a little concerned about how late the kids would be getting to bed on a school night. Little did I know what we would come home to, a huge fire on the mountain. Our neighborhood looked different, covered in thick smoke. Our neighbors were leaving as we pulled in, going to stay with relatives. Our house was hazy with smoke and didn't smell too great. Caleb's High School was used as the evacuation sight for families displaced by the fire, so school was cancelled for him on Monday. We let Caitlin stay home too. Crazy times. We're happy things are getting back to normal and more homes were not destroyed or damaged.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thoughts About Our Weekend

Bright and early on Saturday, we headed to This is the Place Heritage Park for the 5k and Adventure walk for our support group, HopeKids. It was encouraging to see the turn out this year compared to last. Caleb was asked to organize a flag ceremony in honor of 9/11 and with the help of our friend, Matthew and a soldier, they did a good job. We are so grateful for those who donated to Team Caitlin and helped HopeKids reach the goal of $40,000.

We didn't get to hang around too long after finishing the 5k because Caitlin was playing in her first double header softball game of the season. We missed her first game, but made it just in time for the second. This is the first sport Caitlin has ever played. It's pretty evident that she's not comfortable in her own skin and even more evident that she's not comfortable with the fundamentals of softball. She's playing with girls who have a lot more experience and confidence and who look so much bigger and older. It doesn't help that she got stuck with a huge shirt. Why do they have you choose a shirt size if you end up with something totally different anyway? Anyway, I hope she will stick with softball and will be patient with herself as she learns and becomes more comfortable. There's something about seeing her on a team that makes me really want her to succeed and find her place.

In the late afternoon, we all headed over to our church for the Jamboree Reunion. We had a BBQ and watched a slide show that was put together out of over 3,000 photos (the cute mom who put together the slide show said she left out the pictures one boy had taken of every animal in the Natural History Museum in D.C. and every plane on the Intrepid in NYC). It was amazing to hear the stories and get a real feel for the spirit of Jamboree. Even though the boys spent time together at planning meetings and camp outs in the almost three years of planning for Jamboree, it was amazing to see how they have all bonded and become close friends after being together for three weeks. One of the Scout Masters commented that this is the only group he's taken that the mom's cried when dropping off the big bags, cried when dropping off their boy, and cried again when picking them up at the airport (I would also admit to crying when picking up the big bag!). The whole night was filled with friendship, laughing, appreciation, and more crying. The last thing Scout Master Hall requested was for the boys to count off for the last time and then he announced with a big lump in his throat, "Troop 610 dismissed!" While we are incredibly grateful for this experience, it feels really sad that it has come to an end. The next Jamboree is in 2013 and right now Caleb wants to go. He will be 18 and just months away from leaving on a mission. For now we are holding onto the registration paper. ;-)

Monday, September 6, 2010

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Dear September,

You are by far my favorite month of the year! I count my blessings in September. I love celebrating Caitlin's birthday, as each one is a gift. September is Caitlin's end of treatment anniversary too (it has been 7 lucky years since she last had chemo, 9 years in December since her diagnosis of brain cancer). This month is also recognized as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Lots of things are happening this month, with opportunities to get involved and make a difference in the lives of these special children and their families.

This is what we are doing-

On September 11, as a family, we are participating in a 5K for our favorite support group, HopeKids. We are trying to reach our goal of $500 by Friday, September 10. Raising $500 this year would double our pledges from last year. We have added a donation link to our website if you care to help us. We love this group and so appreciate all they do for our family. Each month we have many opportunities to participate in a variety of fun things; we get to know other families, and hopefully provide encouragement to those who are just beginning or are in the middle of their fight. Our kids especially like the monthly movie.

We are also eating at Chili's on September 27. On this day, Chili's will donate 100% of the days earnings to St. Jude's for childhood cancer research. Please go and eat there too. In fact, go all out; order an appetizer and dessert too!

For Caitlin's birthday will are taking treats to PCMC for the children who are inpatient in oncology. Our theme is "Life is Sweet". Caitlin makes this proclamation on a regular basis and because she has such a sweet tooth, we thought we'd just make cute care packages with a variety of candy and small toys (similar to a party goody bag) for the hospitalized kids. If you would like to donate candy or help us in any other way, we would be so grateful!

If you have a gold ribbon, wear it for our kids. If you have a healthy kiddo, hug them and thank your Heavenly Father for this blessing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We Are Home

We’re home from our D.C. trip and still trying to catch up on sleep (and laundry). We had a good time and I’m happy we could share this experience with my parents and sister.

We definitely gave our best effort seeing and doing as much as we could in the 5 full days we were there. I think we walked about a million and a half miles. Our favorites were the Air and Space Museum, changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns, eating at Old Ebbitts, the night bus tour, resting our feet in the fountain at the Sculpture Garden, and the National Archives.

Our main reason for going to D.C. was for the Restoring Honor Rally. It was amazing to see so many people gathered in one location. There are many estimates, but I think the most accurate is 500,000 people who attended (in fact there might have been that many in the subway we were on). It wasn’t a political rally, it was an opportunity to be reminded that our country will change for the better if the citizens turn back to God and exercise faith, hope, and charity. Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Alveda King were the main speakers. While I was unable to hear parts of the speeches, it was an honor just to be there and take part in this historic event.

We were happy to get home to Caleb and Daisy on Monday night. We missed them both so much.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Last Few Hours of Summer

I can't believe Caitlin starts school tomorrow. Where did summer go? I'm not sure I'm ready for the routine, the homework, the set bedtimes, home lunch. I just want the freedom of summer to last a little longer. And, here's the biggest issue I have... this is the last year I will have a child in Grade School. So... while it lasts, I'm going to keep our little tradition and finish up the-first-day-of-school-teacher-gift before Little Miss heads out the door bright and early tomorrow morning.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

He's Home!

Late last night we went to the airport to pick up Caleb. We got there just as another troop with purple hats arrived into the mob of cheering, happy families. As they cleared out, families from our troop started to arrive and the whole scene played out again. The boys looked exhausted, the leaders even more so.

Caleb talked the whole way home, giving us the details of what was cool and what was lame.

Then we arrived home and I got my first whiff of stinky, wet laundry. I am so scared for what's coming next week... the big bag! Caleb told us it rained hard the day they were packing up camp, so I can only imagine the mildewy clothing and bedding being shipped my way. Ewwwww!

It's nice to have our boy home.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good Week

  • Having a husband willing to make soup and frozen yogurt runs for me and my sore teeth
  • Seeing three movies
  • An afternoon with Judy and Jen
  • Finding out I'm getting a raise (my third this year)
  • Cheesecake Factory's 1/2 off cheesecake day (I'm pretty sure a good diet plan does not include eating a piece of cheesecake at 10 p.m., so I only ate half the piece)
  • Getting a killer deal on Bath and Body hand soap
  • Rain
  • Working a ton of overtime
  • Hearing that all is well at the Jamboree
  • A BBQ with my work friends
  • Spending time with Caitlin in the school supply aisle of Walmart
  • Organizing the garage shelves

Friday, July 30, 2010

Word from Jamboree

This is to share with my family concerning Caleb’s experience at the Jamboree.

From Scoutmaster Marshall:

A lot of laundry appeared on the clothes lines and tent awnings this morning.  Many of the boys went to the water front today.  BMX, Shotgun shooting, canoe, boating, merit badges & pioneering seem to be favorites.  There is a difference between what older and younger boys want to do.  We had our first rainstorm this afternoon.  Swim suits came out for those in camp and they had great fun in a drenching storm.  Later the sun has come out and already there is not much evidence of the storm.  Overall the kids are happy and having fun.  They are learning to work and cook and clean up together.  I observe great growth in many of the boys.  Our Patrol Leaders are really stepping up and taking care of the younger boys.
Until later,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Spy a Caleb, Do You?

We have been sent a few pictures from Caleb’s leaders and I have been a little ticked that only parts of Caleb show- an eye here, an arm there, his blond hair, etc…

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This picture finally shows my boy and he’s smiling.


Goodbye, Little Hammie

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Glimpse Inside the Jamboree and New Bling

We have been hearing that the Jamboree has been mentioned on several news stations and have missed them all, so we went online to see what we could find. Among other longer videos, this one gives a good idea of  what Caleb is experiencing this week.

The only news we’ve heard from the leaders of our troop is that the flight  from Texas to New Jersey was delayed when the boys flew out and they didn’t arrive until around 2 a.m. and then had to be up and on their way to the Statue of Liberty around 7 a.m.

They enjoyed touring Washington D.C. The Smithsonian was a big hit with the boys.

We were sent the Troop Jamboree address and were given permission to send a care package. Clint, Caitlin, and I went out last night to buy goodies for Caleb and have written letters to send off today.

In other news, I got the bling (braces) I have been wanting/needing/dreading. All I have to say is ouch and thank heavens for Advil. This might just turn out to be the best diet plan I could have found due to not being able to figure out how to chew. ;-) Caitlin thinks the whole thing is pretty funny.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Little Girl Time

Caitlin and I took a mini vacation to visit my parents and during our time away, we had the fun experience of having a girls only getaway to St. George. Our fun included:


Having dinner together (all the girls including Grandma).

Going to Tarzan at Tuacahn- it was an excellent show.

Driving around St. George at midnight for (you guessed it) a midnight snack.

An overnighter at the Marriot.

Breakfast poolside.

Watching Caitlin and Kysa swim.

Having a chance to spend time together as a family and feeling blessed to have these girls in my life. Thanks for a wonderful time Mom, Grandma, Jerrie, Toni, Alecia, Kysa, and Caitlin.

P.S. Now that I’m home, I miss my boy. Wondering how and what he is doing. My missing him is turning into shopping for him and I hope he’s okay with not having a say in what will be in his closet upon his return. Let’s just hope he’s so sick of the scout uniform after three weeks, he’s open for change.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

The Day has Finally Arrived!

After three years of planning, preparing, earning the money (which he did all on his own), buying and altering uniforms, sewing on patches, packing, etc, etc, etc… Today was the big day.

We dropped Caleb off bright and early this morning and wished him well on his three week tour of the East Coast and the National Scout Jamboree in Virginia.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Clint’s Birthday Gift

For years Clint has wanted to fly in a glider. So… this year when it came time to celebrate his big day, the kids and I surprised him with his wish. It was a popular day for birthday boys; an 80 year old man went before him and a 65 year old man after him!

Waiting for his turn…

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The glider…

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The experience…

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Favorites

#8- Our Flag. I love to see it on our porch.


#9- Fresh picked cherries off my friend, Jessica’s tree.


Our Busy Week

I feel like I write the same thing every week, we did this and that, blah de blah… It has been an exceptionally busy week though and we have had fun.

On Monday we went to Park City. Right before school ended for the summer, Caitlin’s class went on a field trip to the Alf Engen 2002 Olympic Museum. She loved it and wanted our family to go; so we went. We loved the exhibits, but most of all, we loved watching the skiers jump and land in a pool. We also loved the zip line, although I have a fear of heights- ahhhhh!

Tuesday was a pampering day with my friend, Lynette for her birthday. Lunch and pedicures.

On Wednesday, Caleb handed in his Jamboree bags and is one step closer to going on his big trip- he leaves in 10 days.

We also had a goodbye dinner with our friends, the Cafarelli’s. They are some of our favorite people and our friendship goes back to our college days. They are moving to Iowa and we are going to miss them terribly.


Thursday was Clint’s birthday. We went to lunch as a family and then went to Dr. H’s summer party at Raging Waters. Clint also “moved home” in the morning. He has been given the opportunity to work from home and has set up an office downstairs. With the long hours he works, it will be nice to have him here to eat meals together and participate in prayers at bedtime.

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That’s our week… tomorrow Clint gets his birthday gift. I am hoping for some neat photos to post.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I Admit it, We Saw It

I think nothing says Happy Anniversary like young vampire love. Clint asked me this morning if I wanted to go to Eclipse (hello? yes!) and it was just what I expected... somewhat dark, funny, mediocre acting, cheesy, and well, let's just leave it at that.

The good news is we finally celebrated our 19th anniversary. 19 years! Next year I will have been married half my life. We went out on Monday too, but with kids (so it doesn't really count). I'm going to miss our day dates during the summer while the kids are home.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Best Surprise Visit Ever

We found out on Sunday that our friend Stacy would be coming to our part of the country for work. Tonight we were able to spend a few special hours with her and although it wasn’t nearly long enough, we are so grateful for this time with her.

We met Stacy at Camp Sunshine several years ago and were immediately drawn in by her amazing spirit and love of life.

003 We love you, Stacy and miss you already. Come back soon!

Monday, June 28, 2010


That's how many years Clint and I have been married today. Happy Anniversary, Clint!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

First Week of Summer

We've been running non-stop this week and have had plenty of fun.

After years of saying we were going to do it, we finally took the kids to the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti. It was a memorable little trip and with the exception of mosquitoes, the protesters, and the traffic jam on I-15 at 1:30 a.m., it was fun.

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Caleb had his pictures taken in his scout uniform for his upcoming Eagle Court of Honor by my very talented friend, Heidi. I cannot wait to see them!

We threw an end of the school year "Fun Dip" swim party for Caitlin and some of her classmates. I was prepared to let her invite all the girls in her class, but she decided to invite only her "best friends”. It was a low-key, no stress event for me and I loved watching how well they got along.

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We had a fun time in Park City at a huge party my company held in celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary. We had lunch, too much cotton candy, and a blast riding the Alpine Slide and a roller coaster that weaves in and out of the trees, all the way down the mountainside. Fun!

We have been to two movies- Karate Kid and the much anticipated Toy Story 3.

We went to the Arts Festival and found some fun yard art (didn't buy it, just liked it).

We toured the model homes in the new village in our community and while it was fun, it made me rather anxious. I worry too much about making another housing mistake. Too big, too small, not enough space where you really need it, etc, etc... I hope when the time comes, we will find a "just right" home, for the right price, and will feel peace with our decision.

So... this was the first week of summer. While we've had a great time, I could really use some rest and at least a day to catch up around the house.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthday Stuff

Well, my birthday is almost over, the last one beginning with the #3. Time flies when you're having fun, right?

It's been a good day and I am grateful for the thoughtfulness of family and friends. I walked this morning with my friend, I came home and cleaned and straightened (it is Monday after all!), I laid on my bed to read and ended up having a little nap in my quiet house, then our family went out for an early dinner to P F Changs, and for a walk around Temple Square.

I appreciate the cards from my parents and grandma's, the awesome gifts, the cupcakes from my skinny neighbor who is always bringing treats by, and even though I am not a fan of Facebook, it was fun to receive birthday wishes from friends scattered all over the country.

I was thinking of some past birthday memories and thought I would share-

The year I was born was exactly like this year with Father's Day falling on the Sunday before I was born. I'm sure I was the best gift my dad could ever hope for. ;-) I was born on the first day of summer too.

When I turned 3 (I think) my mom told me I could do anything I wanted to celebrate my birthday. Apparently I was lacking in the imagination department and could not think of one thing to do. I believe I ended up dancing on the coffee table. Does this girl know how to party, or what?

I remember a slumber party in my backyard with all my neighbor friends.

When I turned 16, my parents threw a surprise party for me. I was so surprised and happy, I started to cry.

When I turned 20, I went through the St. George Temple for the first time and married Clint the following week.

Clint threw another surprise party for me after we were married. It was a surprise too, I had no idea.

For two birthdays in a row, Clint and I celebrated without kids. Caleb and Caitlin were at Camp Hobe.

Life is good and I have so much to be grateful for. Goodnight!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Summer Favorites

#3- Concerts in the Park- we saw Peter Breinholt

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#4- Morning walks around the lake and uninterrupted time to visit with a friend

#5- The smell of fresh cut grass (and the 15 year old who cuts it; as well as the neighbors while he’s at it)

#6- Wearing flip flops

#7- Eating lunch or dinner (or both) outside