Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Lame Excuse of a Christmas Card

Photo By Emilie -1851

I think I've abandoned my traditional Christmas "to do" list this year, including sending cards to our family and friends. I've noticed a theme with several of the cards we've received and if it's true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then many of you should be very flattered.

10 Things Worth Mentioning from 2010

Our family vacation to Disneyland

Jamie's promotion (and raise)

Caitlin and Jamie get braces

Clint and Jamie celebrate 19 years of marriage

Caleb goes to the National Scout Jamboree

Clint finally gets to fly a glider

Family vacation to Washington, D.C.

Caitlin turns 12 years old and is now a Young Women in our church

Caleb becomes an Eagle Scout

Caleb will be turning 16 years old next week and is anticipating driving and dating

Our family wishes you all a Merry Christmas!


judy said...

they both look so grown up! merry christmas to you all

Melissa said...

Its a great Christmas card. I just ordered some last week and now I'm wishing I had just given up on it. I'm not feeling it this year. Maybe because at this very moment its 85 degrees outside! I love it though. Merry Christmas!

Lynette said...

Caitlin looks so grown up in this photo. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

jkmilligan said...

I hope you had a great Christmas and I love the picture!