Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Behind

We’ve been busy; too busy to stay caught up with the blog. Here’s a quick version of what we’ve been up to.

* Carl Bloch at the Museum of Art at BYU * Caleb tried out for and made his high school acapella group * We bought Les Miserables tickets * Caitlin went to Space Camp and loved it * Clint and Caleb went on an overnight camp for Jamboree * Caleb was called to be president of his crew (group of 36 scouts and four leaders going to World Jamboree in Sweden) * the kids both spent time in the temple, parents need to follow their example * Parent/Teacher conference for Caitlin * junior high registration for Caitlin * attended Saturday afternoon session of General Conference * Clint and I went on two double dates with two different neighbor couples, one to dinner and a comedy club, the other for Indian food * I have been working on a special assignment at work which has resulted in endless overtime * Work meeting * lunch with work friends for both Clint and me* church party with the High Priests that was way more fun than I expected it to be * family dentist appointments with no cavities for any of us * Caleb on the mend and feeling better each day.


Shari said...

Oh my goodness. You have been busy! It sounds like a lot of fun in there too! Miss you.

Lynette said...

Life just keeps speeding up, doesn't it? I am glad Caleb is feeling better.