Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Family Clown

Caitlin cracks me up and it’s a good thing lately because I have been sick and grumpy.

Me: I hope when you grow up and become a child life specialist you will work at one of the hospitals near our home, have your own cute little family and house, but visit me all the time.

Caitlin: How do you know I won’t live in Milwaukee?

Me: Do you know where Milwaukee is?

Caitlin: No idea.


Caitlin taking  a drink of Diet Coke: Oh! It stingles!

Me: Stingles?

Caitlin: You know, when soda stings and tickles going down your throat?


Caitlin while reading: What is goo-fed?

Me: Do you mean goofed, like messed up?


Today I dragged myself out of bed to help Caitlin with her hair. I notice she’s wearing a long sleeve, pink and navy thermal shirt. What I don’t notice is she’s also wearing gray pants. In my defense it’s early, she leaves the house at 7:15 A.M.! When I ask her about her choice of clothes, she tells me her classes are all cold, so that’s why she chose the warm shirt and the gray pants are soft and comfy. Yeah, I let her keep the shirt (she’ll be regretting that choice come noon) and made her change into jeans.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Sorry you have been sick. Glad Caitlin is around to make you smile.