Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Update

It has been a really interesting and emotional week. I won’t go into detail, but the lessons Clint and I have learned in the past few years have changed us… in a good way. I can honestly say I am grateful for the trials we’ve had and the sacrifices we’ve made in the last 5 years.

Other than a little drama, we’ve had a good week. On Monday night, we went to the aquarium with Caitlin’s cancer support group. We’ve been meaning to go there for a while and it was a fun night. Afterwards, we went to Schmidt’s Pastry Cottage for dessert and for a drive to see Christmas lights.

I found some time to go to breakfast with my favorite work friends. They are so fun and make my job tolerable on tough days.

Today Caleb went to the Winter Ball. They had a day date with a snowball fight (with rolled up socks), watched a movie, and ate pizza. When he left for the dance, he looked so nice. I’m happy he’s dating and enjoying high school.

I took Caitlin and her friends to the movie today and then this afternoon, she babysat for one of her young woman leaders. She’s getting more babysitting jobs these days and seems to like it.

With both kids out of the house, Clint and I played the whole day. We went back to the Up house and took a bunch of pictures, then went downtown. We spent some time at the Gateway, had lunch at Tucano's, ran some errands, and then went to a movie (I know, two in one day for me!). It was a great day and was fun to be out and about after working a lot of hours this week.

This coming week is going to be a little nuts. We’ve got something, or in some cases, several things each night. I can’t believe we only have two weeks left until Christmas!


judy said...

so what movies? i am dying to see a good one and can't find one...
koqui--a little frog in puerto rico

Lynette said...

Sounds like another busy week at your house. I hope that the emotional part wasn't too emotional.