Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Great & Mighty 144

Tonight we went to the World Jamboree Celebration. It always feels bitter/sweet to have an amazing experience come to an end, but luckily we still have our committee reunion to look forward to in October.

The program was filled with encouragement, council, song, testimonies, and challenges for the boys. Throughout the evening this group was referred to as “The Great and Mighty 144” and were repeatedly told they would be the future leaders of our church, community, and nation. A lot is expected from these young men, however, they have amazing leaders to help them succeed.

After the meeting, we went to thank Presidents Gibson and Dahlquist. When we finally got to the front of the line and I had just started talking to Sister Gibson, Caleb showed up. She said, “Oh, is he yours? He’s one of my favorites!” and then proceeded to give him a big hug. It’s nice to know he has other mothers looking out for him.

I am so grateful for the scouting program, for the doors it has opened for Caleb, and for the mentors who have come into his life to teach and encourage him. Scouting has been such a blessing in our lives.

The Choir (wow, these boys can sing!)


Kathryn said...

The Great & Mighty 144 just gave me goose bumps when I heard them sing "Rise Up...". I wish Caleb would get in front of the camera occasionally though, but I know he's singing with that deep voice!XOXO

Jamie said...

Mom, he was on the front row because he was asked to pray. The front row became the back row when the stood up and turned around to sing.

Hey, Caitlin sent you an email detailing her "first" day of school. I have no idea what it said, so feel free to read and share.

I'm on mandatory OT again thanks to Hurricane Irene, I'll call you soon.