Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A while back, I applied for a different position within the company I currently work for. I have been interested in this position for quite some time and was excited by the chance for a change. I have since learned to even be considered for the job, I would need a "technical writing" background. So... I googled "technical writing" to see if I had any qualifications and then planned to update my resume. I personally hate resumes, I hate the whole- look how wonderful I am, part of trying to get a job. Imagine my humiliation as I looked over the resume I had submitted and realized I had misspelled a word! The whole job in centered around writing and not only do I NOT have technical writing skills, I didn't even correctly spell "excellent"- yep, only used one L. Oh, and to make matters worse- my resume is locked and is "under consideration," so no changes can be made. Ugh, I hope they have a sense of humor. My suggestion is this- if asked to apply and submit resumes online, spellcheck should be an option.

Today, Caitlin went back to school after being off track for three weeks. This morning she did her whole anxiety/sick routine and I have been worried about her all day. I got off work and made chocolate chip cookies to welcome her home. When she got home, she ran in, dropped her backpack, asked if she could go play, and was out the door before I could even offer her a cookie. So... she's fine and I have eaten 5 cookies.

Clint and I are going back for another session of Financial Peace University. We attended all the classes last year and graduated, but decided to go back to support friends who will be going through the program this year. Plus, the accountability and support is so helpful as we work to become debt-free. Problem? Can't find our book. Going to class unprepared tonight.

Shortcoming- the quality or state of being flawed or lacking


Lynette said...

You are way too hard on yourself. I for one am amazed at all that you do and accomplish. Why do we always compare our flaws with others talents? Do you think that Caitlin wanted to stay home to take care of you?

Shari said...

You can borrow my book. It is still sitting in the box unused and unread. Pathetic huh? I hope you have an excelent time.
(Now you have a friend in the type business)

(ingsh) love word verifications
sorry Vicky

Shari said...

I meant typo business. Man- I can't even typo correctly.

(hearr) no kidding!

Roxanne Davidson said...

I read your posts daily and I think of you all often. You are in my daily prayers for peace and health. I hope to see you this year at camp!! xoxoxo Roxanne

vicky said...

LOL...Shari, you are so funny! You could borrow my book too Jamie! I wonder what I did with it? Hmmm.
I also can totally feel your pain on the typo. I would sit and stew about it too but you have to hope that maybe the person that reads your resume will skim over that part and not notice!
Can't wait to see you guys on Friday :)
I have the movie if you want to borrow. It was a present for Chelsea and Ryan but I opened it and Larry watched it with me last night.

Lynette said...

You have no idea how many times the word excelent has run through my mind since I read this. I bet it is driving you crazy!

judy said...

i totally agree with lynette, you are too hard on yourself! everyone else knows of you capabilities. what a great mom!
