Saturday, February 13, 2010

Our Week

  • Sunday- We knew it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier... ward split. Living in our growing community, this is a common occurrence- we've been through more wards than we can count, each time starting over completely with new faces, leadership, sometimes buildings, etc... This one was particularly difficult, but we'll roll with it. We are so grateful to have had the chance to get to know some of our former ward members and feel our Bishop truly loved and cared for our family.
  • Monday- Long work day and the boys got haircuts.
  • Tuesday- I hosted a Friendship Dinner for my cancer mom friends at the Blue Lemon- yummy food, good atmosphere, fun time. We all needed this time together and I'm so grateful for these women in my life.


  • Wednesday- Another long work day- mandatory overtime, worked 40 hours this week.
  • Thursday- Caitlin and I had a play day. We had lunch at In 'n Out and then spent the afternoon at Color Me Mine. If given a choice of art project, Caitlin will always choose painting. After looking at all the options, she chose a dog bowl for Daisy. We can't wait to see how it turns out after coming out of the kiln. That night, we went to Caleb's school play, Suessical the Musical. It was fun to see so many of Caleb's friends participate and I hope it will encourage him to get more involved in theater in the future.


  • Friday- Clint traveled to his hometown to go to the funeral of his friends father. We both really like Mr. Turner and are so sad about his passing. Clint enjoyed visiting with some old friends, neighbors, and my family.

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  • Saturday- Today we delivered the water we've been collecting for Haiti (service project through Feed the Poor). With the help of our friends, neighbors, and Clint's company, we collected 800 bottles of water. Amazingly, Clint fit them all in our car. The water is being moved by truck to California and then shipped on cargo ships to Haiti. We took the kids to lunch and the Lightening Thief this afternoon. Caleb went to the youth stake dance tonight, wearing his new, pink Valentine's tie.



jkmilligan said...

Jamie, you are awesome! Now I have to ask where is Color Me Mine? My kids really enjoyed making homemade valentines, thanks to the website you suggested:).

vicky said... are so awesome! Love the tie! Looks like a fun week (well, except the funeral) and I am glad you have updated.

Jamie said...

Kim- in Draper, the shopping center with Kohl's, Michael's, Famous Footware, etc...
It's fun, but expensive. They charge a studio fee and the price of the pottery piece.

judy said...

life never slows down does it? i am so glad you shared it with us. you have survived the change over at jetBlue, and now they definitely want you to get experience! good job. you are such a good mom! i will definitely miss you at church, but you can always come when you have to work and hang out with me. i am pretty much alone on my bench! thanks for being such a good friend!
-shibel--the kind of week i have had... no more details necessary

Lynette said...

I am amazed at all that you do in a week...and work a crazy job, too. Once again, I am inspired. Is there still a Color Me Mine on Foothill Drive, too? Candlelighters went years ago and Matthew and Rachel made plates. Jacob desperately wants one, too. Maybe next time he is off track. Caleb is a handsome young man.

penny said...

Jamie you really should pat yourself on the back. You did so much good last week. You took care of us cancer mom's, you spent time with Caitlin, you totally fed the poor. I am honored to know you and I don't say that in any other way than total honesty.

I love Color me Mine. We have gone a few times. That would be a fun, fun, fun activity to do with our kids. Maybe they would give us a discount. I find it very therapeutic and would love the time it would allow us all to visit.