Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Influence of a Positive Attitude

I admit it, I am freaking out. This weekend my job is changing, it's the same job, but done in a completely different way, on a new system. Emails of last minute changes and updates are flooding my inbox. Systems that are supposed to be up and working are not accepting my passwords. My brain is on overdrive and I'm sick of waking up in the night with that feeling of dread.

I attended training the first two weeks of November and have completed continuous training on a weekly basis since, but I am not prepared and have little hope of remembering all I've learned.

For me, this is huge. I am made up of equal parts perfectionism and OCD- a deadly combination on a good day. I resist change and I am not ready to give up being efficient, fast, and good at my job. I don't want to revert back to feeling like a newbie, making mistakes, and dealing with unhappy and impatient customers.

I have been in a negative downward spiral and have even considered quiting. Thanks to the financial goals we've made- I know this is not an option.

Today I went to lunch with my friends from work, we try to meet every couple of months to catch up and share work related stories (in this industry, there are always good stories). I am grateful to have met these women, they were supportive and kind as we learned our job together the first time, and have been good friends ever since. They are as nervous and frustrated as I am, and yet, they seem to possess a belief that in time they will learn and become adept in their positions. They are dealing with the unknowns, and the things they have no control over with patience and grace. They encouraged and reminded me they would be just an email or phone call away.

So... lunch became a therapy session, complete with Diet Coke and chicken tacos. I am blessed to have others around me who can see beyond the moment and have faith that in time, all will work out. I am blessed to have support, good friends, a husband who spends hours working on my new software, and if nothing else... a day off tomorrow. ;-)


penny said...

I hate change too. But you are an incredibly competent person. You will tackle this just like every other challenge and come out on top. Go Jamie. Go Jamie.

judy said...

jamie, remember these were the same things you felt when you were at jbu, i remember. look how you overcame them and became so confident in the job you were doing. i am sure you won't think this now, but this time will be easier. you have done this before, you are definitely not alone-everyone is in the same boat, and the customers are just on the phone, they can't reach through it and cause you any real harm!
i remember a phone call or two where i was in tears, but that is what crew support is for, just go to them. if the wait is long--good for you, go take a breather.
if this is anything like the dreaded valentine's day, find yourself something you enjoy doing while you are on hold. i got SO much done during that time!
you can do this! like penny said...Go Jamie, Go Jamie!
--preatis--fear before something it happens...ok, maybe pushing a little, but very appropriate!

Shari said...

Just breathe! I live my life saying "ok, once this week is over..." I am wishing my life away. I feel old today.
Love ya

vicky said...

YEA FOR A DAY OFF!!! I live my life like Shari...except I say once the next 8 1/2 hours are over...

Seriously, you will do fine! Enjoy your day off!!!

Lynette said...

Wish this wasn't such a stress for you. Why do things have to change just when we get comfortable? I know that I would be freaking out. In a few weeks it will just be a bad memory.

jkmilligan said...

Your awesome Jamie! I have heard not so fun things about Jet Blue training. I hope things get better for you soon and you feel comfortable with the new system.

Melissa said...

I hate transitioning into something new in life. You can totally handle it though. Look at all the amazing challenges you have already handled. Cut yourself some slack and put a "thank you" sticker on your computer. I found a "special" sticker while cleaning out my freezer. I think I'll add it to the Tide box as a daily affirmation. :)

Sachiko said...

Hey Jamie! It was so nice to see you the other night, I had a great time! Eventhough I don't have a job like yours I can totally understand what you mean about new change and frustrations. That is awesome that you have great friends you can talk to and recharge.
Jamie, what you may not realize is that, you are one of my friends that I love to see and you always give me something positive to take home.

Jamie said...

Thanks for all the nice messages. I do have great friends, don't I.

Working on keeping perspective here... I know there are plenty of bigger challenges in life than what I'm facing. ;-)
