Friday, January 1, 2010

Confessions from the First Day of the Year

I personally don't think it's a good idea that New Year's Day is a holiday. How is a girl supposed to get serious about her goals when she's still in celebration mode?

First of all, I totally want to shop. How do you go from the Christmas shopping frenzy to budgeting and saving (especially when everything is on sale now?).

Second, I can't stop eating. Help me! We have spent a considerable amount of time in restaurants since Christmas and I am still craving candy, treats, and anything with a high fat content.

I have two favorite quotes that I keep on my monitor (and in my bag) that have generally helped me to stop and think before acting-

"Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment."

"If hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the answer."

Do you have a favorite quote or words of advice for a certain girl who has started the new year off in a less than desirable way?

By the way, I'm getting serious on Monday! Hello, elliptical... buh bye everything yummy...


Shari said...

I am in the same mode. I took my mom to lunch today and then we stopped at Walgreens just to see if they had anything on sale. Really? Walgreens? I totally am a shopping addict and I love clearance sales!!!!!!!

judy said...

so i just think that holidays can't be diet days! there has to be an exception there. maybe that's why the number one resolution made is to loose weight. i guess we just need to plan for overindulgence, food or money, and make up for it when life gets back to normal!

vicky said...

I will have to get back to you on that...

penny said...

I second Vicky's comment.

P.S. Pass the fudge.

Lynette said...

The shopping addiction is a hard one. January is a blah month and I feel better when I get out of the house and find a great deal. (Until I balance the checkbook.) What else is there to do in January besides shop and eat? Suggestions anyone? Hi, my name is Lynette and I am a chocoholic.

Lynette said...

Okay, that was funny. My code word was chuin. If you say it right it comes out "chewing". Now I'm hungrry.

jkmilligan said...

You and me both!

vicky said...


Jamie said...

This is the second one today! Too much brown, uh, I traded for black???

vicky said...

I now have changed mine 6 times just to keep up! LOL
I like yours but it's hard for me to read the words...even though they haven't changed and I know what they say :)

vicky said...

ps...can you make the writing bold? Maybe that would help me :P

Jamie said...

Okay, and I'm sending you really thick glasses just as a precaution. :-)

the4ofus said...

Hi Jamie.
Thanks for the heads up on your blog address. It's fun to look through it... it's beautiful and creative... of course it's yours! :)
I don't have any advice on how to stop the eating because I am STILL in that mode too. I think it might have to do with the running I've been doing lately.
You are so sweet and so much fun to work with! Thanks for all of your great ideas!!!