Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's almost the middle of January and I think the blahs have finally hit. December was jam-packed with fun and activity. January- not so much.

So far this week, we've gone out to dinner twice (I know!), I've cleaned the kitchen, dusted, worked overtime, bugged Caleb to get busy on his Eagle Scout project, shopped online (again, I know!), finally made it to the gym, and have more or less been blah myself.

I usually really like January- I like how it brings order and simplicity, new beginnings, a slower pace, time to start new projects or finish old ones. So, maybe I just need to go to bed at a decent time tonight and start over again tomorrow with a better attitude. Just a thought.



Unknown said...

I'm having the same January blahs. Maybe we're just normal then.

So your font questions, here's a link www.kevinandamanda.com has instructions on how to install cute, free fonts. It was kind of tricky, but it worked. Also the background and header were free on shabbyblogs.com. I just copied the header as a picture and handwrote our name in paint. Let me know if you need more help and I'll send an e-mail.

judy said...

i think january is just normal pace for me, it's just that things are so busy before it feels like slamming on your brakes. life is always changing around here though...

Lynette said...

Hope a good night's sleep helped. If not, let's plan an affordable play date.

kjtroxel said...

I'm blaming it on the blurry smog and the lack of fresh clean snow :) Hang in there!

vicky said...

I agree with the above comment...it's the inversion!

Shari said...

I am having the blahs because I am working full time. No time to play. Take your kids to the Desert Star playhouse. It makes me have a good laugh!


vicky said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE FONT!!! How did you do that?