Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Sneak Peak into Our Home

I haven’t wanted to share any photos or commentary of our renovation. I guess I’ve been hoping that once it’s all done, I would  be able to come up with a positive spin and make it sound like it was no big deal, maybe even fun. Ha!

Tonight I feel like being honest. In varying stages of horribleness, this is how we’ve lived for over three months; and I haven’t even included photos of our crew who invade our space on a daily basis. Do you have any idea what it’s like to work from home with power tools being used over, under, and around you? Not to mention strangers using your bathroom?

We started with a set plan, budget, and timeline. We’ve changed them all many times. Tomorrow the carpet is being installed downstairs and the lovely mess of boxes will move there while the upstairs is completed. Then we get to unpack and enjoy our “new” home. We’re getting closer…. Please don’t call Hoarders on us!



It’s okay, Daisy. Life will get back to normal soon…


This is Caitlin’s new room. I love it, even in its unfinished state. Buh bye beige!



judy said...

The finishing product is beautiful! We lived through a year of remodel in our old house. I remember going to the grocery store to restock the frozen dinners we ate for three months. The clerk looked at me like I was totally crazy. I always felt the need to explain. I know it's the Pollyanna in me, but hang in there. It will totally be worth it when it's done!

girlsmama said...

Oh Jaime! I can only imagine how hard that must be for you! However, if it all looks like caitlyn's room when you're done it will all be worth it! So excited to see it in the end.

Lynette said...

Caitlyn's room looks beautiful. I hope you love your home when you get everything finished.