Friday, November 9, 2012

Continuing on with Gratitude

4. I’m grateful for my parents. I appreciate their love, support and examples. I love sharing my life and family with them. I find the older I get, the more I need them and their influence in my life.

5. I’m grateful for my siblings. Each one is unique and adds something special to our family. I appreciate their strengths and weaknesses and know my life wouldn’t be complete without them.

6. I’m thankful for my friends. I have many different groups of friends and they all mean so much to me. Like my siblings, they all bring different qualities and experiences into my life and make me a better person for knowing each one of them.

7. I’m grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. Knowing of my Saviors love and plan has helped me endure my trials and has given me hope. This week I am especially grateful for the knowledge that families are forever.

8. I’m thankful to live in this great country, for the opportunity to vote, and for the freedoms we enjoy. I pray for America and for those who have been elected as leaders, that they may be mindful of the truths and principles this country was founded on, and work towards improving those things which are broken.

9. I’m grateful for the jobs Clint and I have been blessed with. While I don’t always enjoy what I do or the many hours I work, I find satisfaction in being productive, helping others, and contributing to our household income.

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