Saturday, January 30, 2010

Progress and an Early Valentine's

I took a good look at my list of goals today and realized in some areas I'm doing great, in other areas, not so much.

But... there has been progress. In our quest to become totally debt-free this year, January has been a pretty great month.

  • We paid off Caitlin's braces

  • We paid off Radiology- I think for the first time in nine years, we owe them nothing! ;-)

  • We paid a good chunk towards Caitlin's medical debt
We have also made some progress towards our 3-Month Rotatable Food Storage. We have been using Pinching Your Pennies and although it takes time to prepare our grocery list and cut the coupons, we are saving some good money and are able to stock up on food we would normally buy anyway (usually not on sale). Today Clint got 5 boxes of Quaker Instant Oatmeal for free by matching prices and using coupons. It's exciting. Here is what our food storage looked like at the beginning of the month.

Here's what it looks like now. Keep in mind we have also stocked up on toiletries, cleaning supplies, and fresh and frozen foods.

Caitlin is currently off-track and will be until February 16th. Her 5th Grade class had their Valentine's party early and she was excited about her box and class Valentine's. This may be one of the last times we make class treats together, so I took pictures.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My New Motto...

I want this print in the biggest way, maybe as a reward for my job stress?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Influence of a Positive Attitude

I admit it, I am freaking out. This weekend my job is changing, it's the same job, but done in a completely different way, on a new system. Emails of last minute changes and updates are flooding my inbox. Systems that are supposed to be up and working are not accepting my passwords. My brain is on overdrive and I'm sick of waking up in the night with that feeling of dread.

I attended training the first two weeks of November and have completed continuous training on a weekly basis since, but I am not prepared and have little hope of remembering all I've learned.

For me, this is huge. I am made up of equal parts perfectionism and OCD- a deadly combination on a good day. I resist change and I am not ready to give up being efficient, fast, and good at my job. I don't want to revert back to feeling like a newbie, making mistakes, and dealing with unhappy and impatient customers.

I have been in a negative downward spiral and have even considered quiting. Thanks to the financial goals we've made- I know this is not an option.

Today I went to lunch with my friends from work, we try to meet every couple of months to catch up and share work related stories (in this industry, there are always good stories). I am grateful to have met these women, they were supportive and kind as we learned our job together the first time, and have been good friends ever since. They are as nervous and frustrated as I am, and yet, they seem to possess a belief that in time they will learn and become adept in their positions. They are dealing with the unknowns, and the things they have no control over with patience and grace. They encouraged and reminded me they would be just an email or phone call away.

So... lunch became a therapy session, complete with Diet Coke and chicken tacos. I am blessed to have others around me who can see beyond the moment and have faith that in time, all will work out. I am blessed to have support, good friends, a husband who spends hours working on my new software, and if nothing else... a day off tomorrow. ;-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just For Fun

Do something unexpected and fun today...
Happy Weekend!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Random Stuff

Around our house, things have been happening at lightning speed. Not a lot to report, just feeling busy.
  • Caleb was asked to be a Patrol Leader for the Jamboree
  • We made "Cowgirl Cookies"- yum! You can't go wrong making cookies with chocolate chips and M&M's
  • We joined Pinching Your Pennies and are having tons of fun stocking up on sales and increasing our food storage- we now have enough cereal to feed a small army (or Caleb)
  • We have been watching the news coming out of Haiti and I am sick over the homeless/parent less children. I imagine my kids or my nieces and nephews wandering around alone, hungry, afraid, and possibly hurt, and it about breaks my heart. If a need for foster parents arises for Haitian children in the US, I'm signing up.
  • Clint and I have both been working a lot of hours lately and I think we're both worn out, but also motivated by our resolve to become debt-free this year
  • Catilin and I have been making Valentine's
  • We've seen the movies, Leap Year and A Spy Next Door- two clean, decent shows

That's about it...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's almost the middle of January and I think the blahs have finally hit. December was jam-packed with fun and activity. January- not so much.

So far this week, we've gone out to dinner twice (I know!), I've cleaned the kitchen, dusted, worked overtime, bugged Caleb to get busy on his Eagle Scout project, shopped online (again, I know!), finally made it to the gym, and have more or less been blah myself.

I usually really like January- I like how it brings order and simplicity, new beginnings, a slower pace, time to start new projects or finish old ones. So, maybe I just need to go to bed at a decent time tonight and start over again tomorrow with a better attitude. Just a thought.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bling Queen

Caitlin got her braces on today and looks so cute (and so grown up...sigh!). Our orthodontist has had her on a treatment plan for the last year, and after doing some research, came up with a good plan to allow for her MRI's. He chose to use the clear, non-metal braces, so once she is done with the MARA, she will be able to have her wire taken out and have the MRI without interference. I really like the look of the clear braces and plan on getting them myself...someday...hopefully before I'm really, really old...

So Caitlin is excited about her braces and so are we...

Our excitement comes from paying them off. Clint and I realized if we combined our Christmas gift money and emptied my checking account, we could write out a hefty check to our orthodontist and cross one more debt off the list... that leaves us with two more debts to pay off before we are 100% debt-free.

So medical debt, here's your warning... you're next. We can't wait to have you out of our lives for good. Today I set up a new account for Caitlin's next MRI. Yep, that's right, we're saving up and paying cash for all future procedures, no more ever-growing hospital tab for us (knock on wood!).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

10 Things I love about my Mom

  1. My Mom is classy and has an eye for beautiful things
  2. She is full of knowledge and common sense
  3. She is a great cook
  4. She has always inspired me to be the best I can be
  5. She is a patient and caring Grandma
  6. I owe my organizational and cleaning abilities to her
  7. She loves Clint (possibly more than she loves me) and shares her kitchen with him
  8. She has blessed my life with her creative talents
  9. She has strong convictions
  10. She is Home

Friday, January 1, 2010

Confessions from the First Day of the Year

I personally don't think it's a good idea that New Year's Day is a holiday. How is a girl supposed to get serious about her goals when she's still in celebration mode?

First of all, I totally want to shop. How do you go from the Christmas shopping frenzy to budgeting and saving (especially when everything is on sale now?).

Second, I can't stop eating. Help me! We have spent a considerable amount of time in restaurants since Christmas and I am still craving candy, treats, and anything with a high fat content.

I have two favorite quotes that I keep on my monitor (and in my bag) that have generally helped me to stop and think before acting-

"Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment."

"If hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the answer."

Do you have a favorite quote or words of advice for a certain girl who has started the new year off in a less than desirable way?

By the way, I'm getting serious on Monday! Hello, elliptical... buh bye everything yummy...