Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Worst Week

We are in the worst week of our renovation. I had major anxiety weeks ago just thinking about what our life would be like during this phase. Guess what? It’s worse than I ever could have imagined. Much worse. But… things are getting done. An end is in sight.

So, here’s the update-

  • We have one working bathroom. It looks like this-

027   028

  • We have no doors upstairs (which equals no privacy, anywhere!)
  • Our washer and dryer are in the garage. Luckily our neighbors are nice enough to let us catch up on a few loads at their house
  • Our clothes are hanging in our neighbors closets (again, nice neighbors. I bet they wish we would have moved!)
  • Everything is covered in thick construction dust, including us
  • Our painters come at 8:30 A.M. and leave at 5 P.M., I listen to them banging around all day
  • We all keep stepping on carpet tacks
  • We’re losing brain cells due to paint fumes
  • Daisy has paint on her paws

Okay, I’m done complaining. This week is almost over, I can’t wait!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankful Catch Up

20. I’m thankful for the opportunity to spend the holidays with my family. I love to catch up, eat my mom’s awesome cooking, and having a change of scenery

21. I’m thankful for nature. We enjoyed a beautiful hike in Zion National Park over the weekend

22. I’m thankful for my nieces and nephew. They are a glimpse of how much fun being a grandma will be. I love, adore, and enjoy them, then they leave with their respective parents.

23. I’m grateful for modern conveniences. I’m missing my washer, dryer, access to my kitchen, etc…

24. I’m thankful the weather is cooperating with our home renovation.

25. I’m thankful for all the kind things that have been done on behalf of Kim’s family. I hope they feel the love and support of those who care about them, and their burdens will be lightened.

26. I’m thankful for the opportunity to grow and improve

27. I’m grateful for modern technology

28. I’m very thankful for the kindness of others. As we currently don’t have access to our kitchen, we’ve been eating way too much fast food. Tonight we went to Chick-Fil-A and when we got to the drive-thru window the girl handed us our food and let us know the car in front of us had paid for our meal. It’s been a really crappy day, so this act of kindness went a long, long way.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Sneak Peak into Our Home

I haven’t wanted to share any photos or commentary of our renovation. I guess I’ve been hoping that once it’s all done, I would  be able to come up with a positive spin and make it sound like it was no big deal, maybe even fun. Ha!

Tonight I feel like being honest. In varying stages of horribleness, this is how we’ve lived for over three months; and I haven’t even included photos of our crew who invade our space on a daily basis. Do you have any idea what it’s like to work from home with power tools being used over, under, and around you? Not to mention strangers using your bathroom?

We started with a set plan, budget, and timeline. We’ve changed them all many times. Tomorrow the carpet is being installed downstairs and the lovely mess of boxes will move there while the upstairs is completed. Then we get to unpack and enjoy our “new” home. We’re getting closer…. Please don’t call Hoarders on us!



It’s okay, Daisy. Life will get back to normal soon…


This is Caitlin’s new room. I love it, even in its unfinished state. Buh bye beige!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Being Thankful Cont.

16. I am so grateful for my neighbors! Today we had a huge load of rocks delivered to finish off our landscaping and we had a ton of help. It was a lot of hard and heavy work, and they stayed with us to the end

17. I’m grateful for CafĂ© Rio

18. I am thankful for good health. The older I get, the more I appreciate a healthy, functioning body of my own and the health of my family members

19. I’m grateful for my bed. I fall into it far later than I intend to each night and I’m thankful for the comfort and warmth it brings

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Being Thankful

10. I am thankful for our Daisy dog. She is by far the best Christmas gift we have ever received and has brought so much love and joy to our family.

11. I am grateful for prayer

12. I am grateful for people who take pride in their work and do their best regardless of the job they are doing

13. I am grateful for beautiful things.

14. I am grateful for hope, optimism, faith, and kindness

15. I am grateful for music

Friday, November 9, 2012

Continuing on with Gratitude

4. I’m grateful for my parents. I appreciate their love, support and examples. I love sharing my life and family with them. I find the older I get, the more I need them and their influence in my life.

5. I’m grateful for my siblings. Each one is unique and adds something special to our family. I appreciate their strengths and weaknesses and know my life wouldn’t be complete without them.

6. I’m thankful for my friends. I have many different groups of friends and they all mean so much to me. Like my siblings, they all bring different qualities and experiences into my life and make me a better person for knowing each one of them.

7. I’m grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. Knowing of my Saviors love and plan has helped me endure my trials and has given me hope. This week I am especially grateful for the knowledge that families are forever.

8. I’m thankful to live in this great country, for the opportunity to vote, and for the freedoms we enjoy. I pray for America and for those who have been elected as leaders, that they may be mindful of the truths and principles this country was founded on, and work towards improving those things which are broken.

9. I’m grateful for the jobs Clint and I have been blessed with. While I don’t always enjoy what I do or the many hours I work, I find satisfaction in being productive, helping others, and contributing to our household income.

Monday, November 5, 2012


It’s been a difficult couple of months and my heart can’t take much more. My dear sweet friend Kim passed away this morning after suffering a stroke. She was a fellow cancer mom who I have spent hours with in good times and bad. I will always remember Kim as a pure, sweet, gentle soul who blessed those around her. I love you, Kim. I miss you already.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gratitude Month

It’s already November 3rd! Ack! I’m going to attempt to write something I’m grateful for each day of November.

  1. I am grateful for Clint. We’ve been working together on a huge project for the past 2+ months and he’s had to put up with more of my meltdowns than I care to admit. I’m so thankful that he always puts his family first, works hard to provide for us, is patient and kind and is a worthy Priesthood holder. He’s pretty awesome
  2. I’m thankful for Caleb- for the good influence he is in our home, for his humor, his intelligence and confidence, and for the good decisions he’s made and continues to make
  3. I’m grateful for Caitlin- for her life, her health, her ability to overcome trials, her compassion, and her humor. I love the wonderful young woman she is

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Proud Mommy Moment

Caleb was chosen as the Sterling Scholar in science at his high school! Way to go kid!
