Saturday, August 7, 2010

He's Home!

Late last night we went to the airport to pick up Caleb. We got there just as another troop with purple hats arrived into the mob of cheering, happy families. As they cleared out, families from our troop started to arrive and the whole scene played out again. The boys looked exhausted, the leaders even more so.

Caleb talked the whole way home, giving us the details of what was cool and what was lame.

Then we arrived home and I got my first whiff of stinky, wet laundry. I am so scared for what's coming next week... the big bag! Caleb told us it rained hard the day they were packing up camp, so I can only imagine the mildewy clothing and bedding being shipped my way. Ewwwww!

It's nice to have our boy home.



judy said...

glad he is home safe!
tentede--a great description of a three week camping trip!

Lynette said...

The laundry sounds GROSS! I am wading through just week long camp and I hate it! You only have to save one scout uniform, right?

The monkey scout uniform is adorable! Gonna have to check into that!

Lynette said...

P.S. Maybe you should create a Laundry merit badge.

Virginia and Shane said...

haha a laundry merit badge....
glad he's home and had a good time!! jealous a little :)

Alecia Ross said...

We are so glad Caleb is home safe and now we can't wait to hear of his adventures! Love the video!

Jamie said...

Laundry merit badge indeed! I think I have thrown out more than I ended up washing though. We had a great weekend going through all of Caleb's things and hearing his stories. He's still trying to catch up on some sleep now. We're happy he's home and grateful that he had this opportunity.

This week we're off to finish school shopping, church clothes shopping, and High School registration.