Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Eventful Weekend

We headed to Cedar City on Friday for what promised to be a busy weekend. Minutes before we left we found that we’d sprung a leak and had water flowing through our basement ceiling. What gives? While living in this house for several years as renters, we had no problems. Now that we own it (and have fully renovated it), we’ve had nothing but problems. Sigh….

We ended up just turning off all the water to our house, making a hole in the ceiling to allow some air and covering the floor with plastic… and then we left.

Saturday morning we had family pictures. We’ve been meaning to do this for a long time, but this was the perfect time- right after the birth of a new nephew and weeks before Caleb leaving on his mission.

After the picture, Clint and I ran down to St. George with my Dad to visit my Grandma. She’s on hospice care and not expected to live much longer. I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity to see her again, so it was a blessing.

Later in the afternoon, Caleb baptized his cousin, Kysa. It was pretty special to see these two kids I love dressed in white, both in the process of making important decisions and covenants.

Kysa Baptism 014Kysa Baptism 001

On Sunday, Clint and Caleb stood in the circle to bless my new nephew, Jax (he’s so cute!). Then we made a mad dash home arriving minutes before Caleb’s Seminary Graduation.

Kysa Baptism 019

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