Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Oldest One

Caleb kept me up until midnight last night because he had procrastinated a HUGE assignment for language arts and needed desperate help. I don’t think I’ve helped him with homework since elementary school.

Caitlin was copying the family tree out of Caleb’s 7th Grade autobiography and realized in the whole project she wasn’t mentioned by name even once. On his timeline he had written “sister born September 1998”. He had used Daisy’s name though… twice. Sibling rivalry? I have no idea why he wouldn’t mention Caitlin more! She was amused and huffy about it. LOL

Caleb had his first acapella concert tonight. They are an amazing choir and fun to watch.

Caleb has a date for the Halloween dance at school. They have to wear costumes and the theme is “Opposites Attract”. I seriously have no ideas. No. Ideas.

Tomorrow we go in for Caleb’s SEOP and talk about scheduling for SENIOR year and college. Eeekkkkk!

All in all, he’s a pretty great kid.


Kathryn said...

From you to Caleb "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!"

However, I know that you love spending time with those kids and sometimes it's just worth staying up after midnight.

Lynette said...

He is a pretty great kid.

Coral said...

Have you been to one of those Halloween superstores? They have a ton of couples costumes. Some are a little questionable, but you might be able to get some ideas generating...