Sunday, December 27, 2009


Fifteen... is how old Caleb is today. It is also the number of years I have been a mother. Fifteen seems like a really big number tonight, but it has gone by way too quickly.

At 15, Caleb is pretty amazing. He is making good choices and good friends. He is learning the gospel and visits the temple at least once a month. He works hard in school, is on the high honor roll, and has big plans for his future. He is kind, patient, funny, and everything I could hope for in a son.

Fifteen is going to be a big year. Caleb will start driving, complete his project and become an Eagle Scout, he will participate in the National Scout Jamboree and travel to and around the East Coast for three weeks, and he will go to High School. It's enough to make his parents feel really old, but also very proud.

Happy Birthday, Caleb. We love you!


vicky said...

Honestly, your son is exactly the way I would love my son to turn out to be like! Or at the very least, I would love to have a son in law like him! :)
Happy Birthday!

my word verification: unkful

judy said...

caleb is a great young man! you are obviously doing great things as parents. i know children come as they are but parents certainly can make the difference too! happy birthday caleb! or as my word verifications says, have a glysi one!

V and Co. said...

holy shniekys.
happy birthday caleb!

Lynette said...

Here is hoping that fifteen is a FABULOUS YEAR!