Monday, January 31, 2011

Being Prepared

Last week our Bishop messed with a few families in our ward. Two of those families belong to sisters I work with in the Young Women's organization, so I thought of them often throughout the week (okay, mostly I was thinking I was happy it was them, not us). He had these families stand up in Sacrament Meeting and told them the stores had just closed for the week. They couldn't spend any money and would have to survive on the food and other essentials they had at home. In addition, on Thursday they learned they had no power until Saturday night.

Our ward also experienced an earthquake on Thursday where we tested the phone tree and the auxiliary leaders had to report back to the Bishop on the status of the members.

Yesterday, the youth, Relief Society and Priesthood all met together and learned of the experiences of the three families and the outcome of the calls made on Thursday. It was enlightening and also a little disappointing. The whole experience definitely made an impact and put our planning and level of preparedness into perspective (wow, that was a lot of P words). During the week I thought about what my family would eat, if we would be happy with our choices, what we were lacking, what resources might be available to us, how we could help others, etc... The whole experience left both Clint and me with a sense of urgency to do more to prepare our family for whatever may come. We have focused our energy on becoming debt-free and are getting closer with each paycheck, but I admit to not being very good these last several months with increasing our storage of food and other essentials.

It all feels a little overwhelming right now because I know we have a long way to go, but I can only imagine how much more overwhelming it would be to not have the things necessary to take care of our family. I think I have just found a new project.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


  • Caitlin is stable.
  • Our medical team couldn't be more amazing.
  • The only concern is Caitlin's weight. We are going to have her thyroid checked, and possibly see an endocrinologist.
  • Next MRI is in twelve months, after that, we may go to every two years.
  • So grateful and so tired.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Series of Unfortunate Events We Refer to as MRI

Here is how today was supposed to go after coordinating with all doctors involved and planning in advance for Caitlin's MRI to be scheduled while she is off-track

11:40 a.m.- Clint takes Caitlin to orthodontist to have wire and metal bands on back teeth removed.
1:30 p.m.- Jamie (after taking an hour off work) takes Caitlin to nearby hospital for MRI.
2:30-ish- Lunch and shopping for science fair supplies
3:30 p.m.- Return Caitlin to orthodontist to have bands and wires replaced.

This is how today went-

9:00-ish- I get a call from Caleb telling me he has forgotten his gym clothes and needs them by 11. At the same time, Clint is walking up the stairs listening to a voice message telling us our 9:30 a.m. MRI appointment is cancelled due to a problem with the MRI (appointment at 9:30???, MRI broken???)

9:01- Frantically calling the person I scheduled the MRI with. Yep, we were told the MRI was at 1:30 p.m., it was actually scheduled for 9:30 a.m.. No appointments available at the children's hospital today. There's talk of having to put the MRI off for a week or longer. I am freaking out.

9:05-10:00 a.m.- many calls back and forth, we have a squeezed in MRI scheduled at the children's hospital in the evening, and the possibility of technicians fixing the MRI at the hospital near us for a late afternoon appointment.

Caitlin becoming increasingly anxious. Complaining of stomachache, headache, etc...

11:40 a.m.- Clint takes Caitlin to orthodontist

3:30 p.m.- Jamie takes Caitlin to hospital near our home for MRI. Caitlin totally freaks out it car and is dragged into hospital kicking and screaming. Clint is called, women checking us in most likely thinking Caitlin is within minutes of being strangled my her own mother. Temper tantrum increases. Clint finally shows up.

Very long hour of trying to reason with an inconsolable, unreasonable Caitlin...

4:30 p.m.- Decision is reached to medicate, bring on the Ativan. MRI finally.

5 something (after normal business hours)- back to orthodontist with a drugged up Caitlin where we are met with a patient and kind doctor and assistants who act more concerned about Caitlin and less about being unable to go home on time.

6:00 p.m.- Dinner with drugged up Caitlin- conversation is pretty funny and yet seeing her like this makes us all feel sad that these procedures she has to have on a yearly basis for the rest of her life cause her so much anxiety and a total loss of control.

Tonight Caitlin is dizzy, talking nonsense, and is not at all herself, yet she thinks the hard part is over. For Clint and I the hard part is waiting for an answer that will come tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure this long day has taken years off my life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Justifying My Vanity

My mom has always told me I am lucky to have my grandma's fingernails- strong, good shape, grow quickly. The only problem is, unlike my grandma, I don't take care of mine. I hate using a file, I'm not patient enough to paint them, and quite honestly, my jobs of taking care of children and home, and working on a computer don't lend well to nice looking nails.

But wow, look at the results of a good manicure.


I think pampering is going to be my new hobby and I think I'm going to have to continue working overtime to fund it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January (at the speed of light)

I used to hate January, then when I finally embraced it and started appreciating the opportunity it created to slow down after the holidays, get projects done, and have time to read a book or catch up on some missed movies, I really started to look forward to it, especially in the craziness of December. This year, I feel like I was blindsided by January.

So while this month has been anything but slow, some unexpected blessings and accomplishments have come from it.

With all the overtime that has been offered/expected (my boss calls it respectful begging), I decided to jump in and make some short term financial goals to keep me motivated. I decided to pay off Caleb's trip to Sweden so it's not hanging over our heads (he still has a goal of earning $1000 on his own). I also plan to double my monthly debt payment to help us reach our debt-free goal even earlier.

We got through our first ACCO event. It went well and I'm grateful Clint and I have the opportunity to work with such dedicated people. The speaker, who has provided counseling for Caitlin and directed marriage classes that Clint and I have attended, did an amazing job. He focused on not getting stuck in our trials and finding "pace setters" in our lives who will support and challenge us to move forward. The slide show was also really sweet and special for us because Caitlin was highlighted.

Amazingly, this week I was also able to go to dinner with Clint after our board meeting, where we had a chance to really talk and catch up. I went to lunch with two of my work friends, had a manicure and pedicure and lunch with my friend, Jen. Went to a dinner/planning meeting with my young women leaders, and finally got together with my old neighborhood friends for a belated Christmas get together. Thank heavens for the little breaks and time spent with people I admire and enjoy.

So, two more weeks of January. More work, more obligations, Caitlin off track, and a scheduled MRI. Here's hoping February brings the peace and calm I am craving.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

An Invitation for Our Cancer Friends

We would love to see you all at the first event for the all new American Childhood Cancer Organization this Saturday afternoon. Darren Johannson will be our guest speaker and the photographers from For My Mama are just amazing.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Little Catching Up

Ahh, my first day off work since December 28th, and while I have promised myself I will NOT turn on my work computer today, I thought I would take just a minute to catch up here.061
Christmas came to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Christmas Day was spent with Grandpa and Grandma, Grandma Edwards, Grandma Roesner and Jerrie, Toni, Brian and Kylan. We had a yummy dinner, opened plenty of gifts, and went to a movie Christmas night.

We were given some really thoughtful gifts. My dad made each of his children a family history books with lots of stories I have never read before and pictures I have never seen.

My mom and sister have been bugging me forever about reading The Mitford series. Finally this past year I read these books and fell in love with them. They are now out of print, but my mom found two complete sets for my sister and me by working with a used book dealer- I love them!

My mom also made Caleb a quilt out of the same flannel she used to make his Eagle Court of Honor tablecloths- he loves it.

We did not get a cat; however this one sure seems to be trying hard to disguise herself as a gift.
Caleb's birthday was on December 27th, he turned 16 years old. We took him bowling and out for a nice dinner that night. He has quite a year ahead of him. Early in December, he was invited to travel to Sweden this summer for the World Scout Jamboree. We jumped at the opportunity and have already bought uniforms, he's had his physical, and turned in his papers for his passport. He also learned he has officially been hired to work at a scout camp in Alaska for the month of June through the first week of July. All in all, he will be away from home for a little more than seven weeks this summer, but we know he will be gaining valuable leadership skills and having experiences he couldn't have at home.

Caleb will be ordained a Priest in our church tomorrow, will be getting his driver's license this coming week, and is mulling over his dating options. ;-)
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December 28th marked the ninth anniversary of Caitlin's cancer diagnosis. Nine years! I couldn't even begin to imagine back then where we would be today. While she is not into make-up or clothes yet, we have really noticed some changes in her the past several months. She's found that she enjoys spending time in the Temple, likes being in the Young Women's program, is becoming more responsible with her school work, and has just become the proud owner of her own cell phone (no texting, photos, or school use- thank you very much!).

We have started this year off with a new determination to accomplish our three year old goal of becoming 100% debt-free. We would already be done, but have added $14,000 worth of orthodontics since beginning this journey (expect nice smiles when we achieve this goal!). It's been a long road, one we have been consistent with, sacrificed for, and now it's time to cross the finish line already.

We are grateful to begin this new year with health, happiness, employment, focus, and the desire to better ourselves in all areas. Yay for 2011!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Mom

Thank you mom for loving, feeding, supporting and encouraging our goals and decisions, planning for the kids college, making handmade gifts, being willing to get involved in my little projects, traveling with us, staying up late to talk when we visit, sharing my interests, hobbies, and a love for the old and rusty, for reminding me of what is truly important, for being a wonderful example of motherhood, for so, so many more things.

I love you, mom. Happy Birthday!