March Madness around here has little to do with basketball and a whole lot to do with busy kids. So far we’ve had parent/teacher conferences, Caleb’s school play, the ACT, Caleb’s induction into the National Honor Society, and Caitlin’s orchestra concert and a field trip to see Zorro. We still have Caleb’s HOSA competition, a choir concert, a choir trip (to California/Disneyland), and prom. Whew!
I am just so happy with the way this school year has gone for Caitlin. I dreaded her going to junior high and worried about how we would ever keep up with seven different classes and teachers. She’s really held her own and is showing more maturity this year. Her parent/teacher conferences were awesome. The teachers we met with said she is a fabulous student, asks questions when she doesn’t understand, and is a fun addition to the class. It was well worth facing a total blizzard to get this kind of feedback.
This week she had a book report due and got right to work making it extra special. Let’s just say it included glow sticks and was an all out Caitlin creation.
She also has a renewed interest in playing the cello. She found some “cello cheats” while online one day which are very basic versions of popular songs. Now that she can play Love Story, Safe and Sound, and Without You, to the point we can recognize what she’s playing, she’s a happy girl.
Caitlin wanted me to record her whole concert… big improvement from the last time we watched them perform.
Caleb is also having a great year. I often think he’s having the type of high school experience every parent wishes for their child. He’s involved in many different extra circular activities, he’s dating, has great friends, has goals for his future and is exceling in his classes. It’s pretty exciting to see the great things he’s doing.
Caleb at the NHS Induction ceremony